The Myth of Taxpayers’ Money

October 12, 2009 by Bob Livingston

Taxpayers’ money is the definition of an overworked term. We could teach Goebels a thing or two!

When ALL the writers refer to "taxpayers’ money," they think that our taxes are "taxpayers’ money" and they are trying to tell the public that the government "wastes taxpayers’ money" and they actually believe this nonsense.

Now to set this illusion in concrete, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) does reduce the numbers (money) in our checking accounts when we authorize them to do so via our 1040 tax return.

But no one ever asks where the numbers (money) go when deleted from our checking accounts. These numbers (money) do not go to Washington as taxes to pay anything. They go into the cyberspace of the IRS computers.

All this is Orwellian doublethink.

Facts: The dollar is a myth. Oh, I know that we have green strips of paper in our pockets that we believe are dollars. The numbers on the green strips of paper are our "dollars." So what we "spend" every day are the numbers or the symbols on our green strips of paper.

Now if the government "wastes our tax dollars," what do they waste? Do they waste the numbers or computer symbols called dollars? How is it possible in the realm of reality to spend or waste numbers that can be created to infinity? What absurd nonsense!

Please, we should memorize this! Anything that can be created to infinity cannot be "spentâ€