Nancy Pelosi Is Even Bigger Liar Than Obama, Says Democrats Have Nothing To Apologize About

By Joseph R. Carducci on November 15, 2013 Subscribe to Joseph R. Carducci's Feed

Do remember back when we were discussing about whether or not to pass the Affordable Care Act, back in 2009 and then 2010? Do you remember that even back then there was a whole lot of lying and half-truths? I remember this. You also may even remember our amazing Speaker of the House at the time, Nancy Pelosi (currently the House Minority Leader…and hopefully we can either keep her in this position, or send her back home to California as a private citizen), saying some very interesting words about this bill.
She actually said at one point that we needed to pass the bill in order to find out what was in it! Is that amazing to you, or what? Here we have arguably one of the nation’s most powerful and influential politicians standing up in front of everyone and literally admitting that she (and probably most of her colleagues) had not even read the bill! A bill that they had already decided to vote for and were also actively campaigning to generate public support and make things go more smoothly. Let us not forget that the Speaker of the House is literally just two heartbeats away from the White House.
Personally, I think she owes the American people a big apology for not being conscientious enough to have done her damn job back in 2010 and at least read the bill. Instead she feels perfectly justified in saying stupid things like just pass the bill in order to find out what is inside. Be that as it may, it is clear to everyone that Obama and all of his Democratic supporters now have a huge problem with ObamaCare. Remember that this bill passed on the backs of the Democrats, not one single GOP member voted for this.
Even Obama recognizes that he has a problem on this. He even went so far as to try and issue an apology. Of course, in typical Obama fashion, it was really a non-apology apology, but this is more than we are ever likely to see out of Pelosi and company. Just in case you doubt this fact, here are some more gems of blinding insight and wisdom from our illustrious former madam speaker:

“There is nothing in the Affordable Care Act that said your insurance company should cancel you.”

“Did I ever tell my constituents that if they liked their plan they could keep it? I would have if I’d ever met anybody who liked his or her plan. But that was not my experience.”
“As far as the Affordable Care Act is concerned, what the president said was completely accurate.”
Where to begin with all of this? My, my. First of all, Miss Nancy, yes, the ACA did have specific provisions which forced insurance carriers to cancel people. Plans created after March of 2010 MUST be canceled and the Regime also was granted the authority (which they gleefully accepted) to write new regulations that forced the cancellation of some policies that had been around before March 2010. I also have a really hard time believing that no one from her home district ever told her that they liked their plan. All types of polls and statistics showed that the VAST majority of Americans actually liked their healthcare plans. Her last statement is simply so laughably incorrect that no reply is needed, it is quite obvious the president was lying about this all along.
Make sure you watch the video on the linked page about Miss Nancy making her famous, gotta pass the bill to find out what is inside statement. Priceless!
What do YOU think? Should Miss Nancy and the rest of the fun-time gang apologize? Is she an even bigger liar than Obama? How do you feel knowing she did not even read the ACA? Hos does this monkey keep winning elections??