I don't think this came from Ron Paul himself? But, I'm not sure . . . I wondered what people thought about it.

A growing number of Americans believe that something has gone drastically
wrong with the country, and the writers on "the conspiracy" tend to focus on a
variety of organizations, such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the
Trilateral Commission and the Bilderburg Group. But these writers do not go far enough.
This is one reason why "the Elite" [the Committee of 300] has been
so successful in concealing its existence from the broad mass of the American
people. Apparently, few people believe there is a coordinating, controlling body
that oversees and coordinates the activities of "local level" agencies.
The Committee of 300 is the ultimate controlling body that runs the world and
has done so for more than 100 years. The organization was known first as the
East India Company, then the British East India Company, from which it evolved
into the current structure, the Committee of 300; more safely referred
to as "They," or "the Elite," or simply "the Committee."