Read what Conservative Native Americans have to say about Obama:

This is the website of a conservative Native American from the Comanche Nation. This website analyzes many of Obama's words and actions that expose his real agenda and Native Americans are speaking out about it.

Native Americans have seen many changes in this country and they are clearly warning us not to fall for Obama's call of "Change," revealing his "Change" for what it really is: Progress of the Socialist Agenda.

God Bless all of our Native American friends who love this country and what it stands for!

Read this one article about Obama and Terrorists, access the many links provided; then scan through the rest of the website for more interesting articles.

Please send the link to this website on to your contacts and ask your contacts to do the same. Here is the article as posted in the website:
Obama, Terrorists, & Pollstergeisters from the Bad Eagle Journal


Why do terrorists like Obama? He's never been directly involved in any terrorist organization, has no record of involvement in any violent act--political, subversive, personal, or otherwise. Why does he seem to have this comfortable relationship with people like Bill Ayers and Rashid Khalidi, and other extremists?

The lastest: The LA Times has a video of a farewell party given for PLO spokesman Rashid Khalidi. B. Hussein. O. was a special guest at that party, and honored as a friend of Khalidi. But the LA Times refuses to release the video. Oh, yes. That makes us also wonder why the media supports Obama, but, we're tired of asking that question. We live with the fact. (According to the media, Obama has been way ahead in the race from the begining, and the race is basically over.)

Now, the McCain campaign has formally demanded the release of the damaging video, but, the LA Times is under no obligation to release it. Ethics, fairness, or truth have never been the strongest suit for the LA Times anyway.

Rashid Khalidi, a professor and activist tied to the PLO, was feted by Barack Obama at a farewell dinner for the Palestinian activist. (AP photo) But, really, it's just a professional media ploy. The LA Times was certain to let the word out that it had the video. That intentional "leak" would get attention, and boost subscriptions, perhaps. Competition out there among the liberal misinformation institutions is fierce.

Yes, we would like to know Obama's reaction to the anti-Zionist, anti-Semitism expressed at the party. He seems comfortable in the presence and friendship of people who hate America and who hate Israel. That is an established image--which he himself created, inevitably, indeed carefully.

Obama's Affinity to Marxists Dates Back to College Days, says a late report. Obama himself says:
"I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structuralist feminists."

But the story now is not about Obama. This is about media. This is about the utter untrustworthiness of media. Reporters have betrayed their trust. The public can never again look to professional media for truth, or even the whole story. Sure, stories are always "developing," but, we have seen the media manipulate, hide, distort, and otherwise falsify story after stor--even from the beginning of the story.

The media is bound and determined to force the White House with their chosen man, B. Hussein O. They have presented poll after poll declaring Obama the winner. The presumption, the arrogance, the assault on reality, it is all unprecedented, and might succeed. If course, it already has succeeded, if you look only to the media. This, of course, is to get everyone used to the idea. And it's a win-win situation for the liberals, no matter who wins. If Obama doesn't win, the public chaos which will ensue will result in more power exercised by the government over the people--for our "safety."

All the voter fraud ACORN (i.e., Democrats) has created, the fraud involved in the polling, the fraud the media has generated and magnified--all this will lead to precisely the kind of expansion of government control which the liberals want. This is all texbook Marxism. This is how social "change" is brought about. This is all according to plan. Create chaos, then take over. The Third World will monitor American elections. The UN will control American armed forces. The New World Order will hold in subjugation all concepts of "sovereignty." Nationhood will at last fade into a romantic memory.

America media has played its part. It has become propaganda. That's the long and short of it. We've lost that battle. If McCain ends up defending the Constitution at all, it will by by default, in contrast to Obama's candid, shameless attacks on the Constitution. That's where we are.

We know McCain actually loves America, very deeply. We know Obama is homeless. A man without a country, without love or loyalty, having never known what it means. You've heard of 'crocodile tears,' well try a crocodile smile. A satin smooth personality, void of nationality, and determined to destroy America. That's the "change" he preaches. A different country. Not a different America, because it won't be America. It will only be called "America"--the ultimate liberal usurpation of words.