This is a breaking news alert from NaturalNews.

North Carolina is voting on a bill TONIGHT that would criminalize homeopaths, naturopaths, midwives, herbalists and anyone else who practices "non-conventional medicine." They would all be arrested as felons, rounded up, prosecuted and sent to prison for "practicine medicine" without a conventional medical license.

Read our full report by Ethan Huff at: ... nsing.html

You can see the proposed language of the bill yourself at: ... /S31v2.pdf

We warned you that this was coming! This is the complete tyranny of the medical police state now being brought to bear against the healers of North Carolina. Healers will become felons under this bill, which turns herbalists into Class I Felons and essentially criminalizes all REAL medicine that exists outside the corrupt state licensing boards which are dominated by pharma interests.

Natural medicine is becoming too powerful, you see, and the corrupt, criminal-minded pushers of pharma poison, chemotherapy and radiation have decided they must round up and imprison all the natural healers in order to maintain their dominance over health treatments.

Your help is urgently needed:

* Forward this email to anyone who needs to know about this.

* CALL the NC Governor's office at (202) 624-5833 and loudly and forcefully insist that this bill is pure medical madness.

* Call the North Carolina House at (919) 733-7928 with the same message.

We will be covering this breaking news in an upcoming feature story on If you're not yet subscribed to NaturalNews, sign up now (it's free) to receive a daily email from me, containing breaking news for that day. We protect your email address and do NOT sell it to anyone. You can unsubscribe at any time.

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Thank you and stay safe,

- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger