So far, the republicans, no matter the situation has been the party of "No." As far as illegal immigration, I understand. But at what point have people been brainwashed into thinking that taxing the rich, considering THEY are the ones that have screwed us, is a bad thing? At what point in American history did we decide that the average citizen deserves to be screwed by these people? Why do you defend them? As JohnDoe points out, ONLY the rich benefit from this, yet you have allowed yourselves to be manipulated by the media to give your Bildeberger's a huge payday? What the hell? Of course the rich don't want to pay their share! So at what point did you people start to take their side, when their side is to screw you? It is frustrating to see false conspiracy theories believed on this site, while REAL crap like Wikileaks is going on! Why is Fox Pravda getting into your heads?

This is a point in time where we should DEMAND that our government is held accountable, but too many of you are being played by media like FOX to sway your opinion. What the eff happened? Now is OUR time. We MUST step up to tell our government enough is enough. Luckily for Fox, they have so many of you so screwed up, you don't even know the difference between truth and propaganda. I read your comments that proclaim knowing what is going on, but as long as you are part of this process, we are screwed!

NOW IS OUR TIME!! Stop listening to propaganda the media is saying against Wikileaks!! I just discovered that DynCorp, which sold Afghan KIDS into slavery, is a company that is based 5 miles north of me. I have gathered a group to protest this. The freaking tax cuts are the BEST example. Somehow, FOX has brainwashed you into thinking that millionaires and billionaires are MORE worthy of their money than you! They said "eff you" to your hard earned social security, but you guys say "please, take my hard earned money away from me!! I deserve it!!"

At what point do you realize that GOVERNMENT, not matter the party, is out to screw you. ALIPAC has become nothing more than a R vs D when they are both the same. Some of you KNOW I'm right, some of you will denounce my conclusions, because that is what you are trained to believe. I want things to change! No more you vs me! We are on the same page, but too many of you believe BS that isn't true!

George Orwell's 1984 was supposed to be a warning, not a blueprint. Somehow, you have allowed yourselves to follow these warnings, but still claim superiority over the other side, when both sides have brought us to this point. When does this end? When do we all, dems and repubs get pissed enough to join together and stop this? I just don't get it. We have been trained to fight each other, when all it would take, for say things like the DREAM act, to get together and stop ALL corruption, as a nation, not as a political party. WHY? We let out government pit each other in a cage match, because that is what they want! They want us distracted, and fight each other, so they can get crap like the DREAM act passed. We are in bondage, but are too dumb to realize that ALL media wants it this way. This is how they control us! ENOUGH!!

Wikileaks has given my generation an opportunity to take control, and demand transparency. 4Chan took down Visa AND MC because what they did was illegal. This was a small group! Imagine what we could do together to stop the shadow government screwing us. Obama, Bush....they have nothing to do with what is really happening, and Wikileaks is proving this! I'm tired of being an armchair activist like the rest of the world! I'm done! I am going to DynCorp, and letting them know that selling kids into sex slavery is wrong, and I would hope for the sake of humanity you would do the same.