Never Forget The Fed Caused The Economic Downturn

An excerpt from Bob Chapman's weekly publication.

January 1 2011: The Fed that destroys and The Fed that claims to repair, Milken still rich, wake up to revolution in 2011, few jobs created last year, billions in costs to taxpayers, tax breaks for the mega rich, flat Christmas, TSA gets in your pants, understanding the looming crisis.

Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, would have us believe that if it were not for QE1 unemployment would have been considerably higher. Since QE2 began in June, U6 has only improved by ¼%. Perhaps better numbers are on the way, but that has not been an auspicious start. If we remember correctly almost all the funds in QE1 and now in QE2 have been lent to financial firms in the US and Europe, transnational conglomerates and governments and central banks. Most of those funds have been held on balance sheets to fain solvency. Very little has reached the public or to reduce unemployment. All we have to show for 2-1/2 years is a financial sector hanging on by a thread and more massive debt in the trillions.

What should be permanently stamped in your minds is that the financial carnage we have experienced is the fault of the Fed and the financial sector and that same Fed bailed out the crooks and left the public high and dry with 22-3/8% unemployment and a shattered residential and commercial real estate sector that is still two years from the bottom and perhaps 30 years away from appreciation.

It is despicable for Mr. Bernanke to have insinuated he helped avert higher unemployed when it was the policy of the owners of the Fed and Wall Street and banking, which was the cause of the worst depression since the “Great Depressionâ€