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    Senior Member Airbornesapper07's Avatar
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    New Book: ‘The Truth about Energy, Global Warming, & Climate Change: Exposing Climate

    Flashback 2013: Deserts ‘greening’ from rising CO2 – ‘Increased levels of carbon dioxide’ boost green foliage in world’s’ deserts ‘over past 30 years’ due to ‘CO2 fertilization’
    Flashback 2013: Deserts 'greening' from rising CO2: Increased levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) have helped boost green foliage across the world’s arid regions over the past 30 years through a process called CO2 fertilization, according to CSIRO research.
    In findings based on satellite observations, CSIRO, in collaboration with the Australian National University (ANU), found that this CO2 fertilization correlated with an 11 per cent increase in foliage cover from 1982-2010 across parts of the arid areas studied in Australia, North America, the Middle East and Africa, according to CSIRO research scientist, Dr Randall Donohue. "In Australia, our native vegetation is superbly adapted to surviving in arid environments and it consequently uses water very efficiently," Dr Donohue said. "Australian vegetation seems quite sensitive to CO2 fertilization."

    New Study: Great Barrier Reef Defies Doomsday Predictions – Now ‘showing record levels of coral cover’

    Do People Around The Globe Believe The Global Warming Hoax Because Of Mass Psychosis?Listen: Dr Jerome Corsi PhD discusses his new book, The Truth about Energy, Global Warming, and Climate Change: Exposing Climate Lies in an Age of Disinformation, on TNT radio

    The annual atmospheric CO2 variation: A new theory – ‘Could we be wrong about the annual cycle of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?’

    DEBUNKED: Europe’s claimed ‘worst drought in 500 years’ – Peer-reviewed studies, data & IPCC reveal ‘drought has not increased’ & ‘cannot be attributed to human-caused climate change’Extreme Weather Expert Dr. Roger Pielke Jr.: For hydrological drought the IPCC is also quite strong in its conclusions: "Low confidence: Weak or insignificant trends"
    In Western and Central Europe — basically Atlantic France all the way to Moscow, north of the Mediterranean region and south of the North Sea region — the IPCC and the underlying peer reviewed research on which it assesses has concluded that drought has not increased and, logically, that increased drought cannot be attributed to human-caused climate change.

    World Economic Forum Climate Misinformation Must be Subject to Open, Civil Debate says Friends of Science Society

    CBS Sunday Morning Frets ‘Human Extinction’ from Climate – Features NASA scientist Peter Kalmus declaring ‘I do want people freaking out’Jane Pauley: "Searing heat, massive wildfires, catastrophic flooding. Unequivocal evidence the United Nations says that climate change is real and that human activity is its primary cause. So how bad can it get?” Pauley asked. “According to some scientists, the possibility of worldwide societal collapse or even eventual human extinction isn't out of the question. It's a harsh warning to say the least.”
    Jane Pauley features NASA scientist Peter Kalmus who declares "I do want people freaking out." on climate.
    Flashback: Meet Peter Kalmus, the ‘dumpster diving’ NASA climate scientist who warns it’s ‘end of life on Earth as we know it’ & it’s ‘freaking out in my brain’- ProPublica profile of NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab climate scientist Peter Kalmus: - "A climate scientist spent years trying to get people to pay attention to the disaster ahead. His wife is exhausted. His older son thinks there’s no future. And nobody but him will use the outdoor toilet he built to shrink his carbon footprint." ...
    Peter had been pleading, begging for people to pay attention to the global emergency. “Is this my personal hell?” he tweeted this past fall. “That I have to spend my entire life desperately trying to convince everyone NOT TO DESTROY THE ****ING EARTH?”

    Bloomberg News Exposes Eco-Hypocrite Billionaire Bill Gates’ Involvement to Save Biden Climate BillBill Gates: This "sets a clear example of what serious climate action looks like."
    “As [Gates] revealed to Bloomberg Green, he has quietly lobbied Manchin and other senators, starting before Biden had won the White House, in anticipation of a rare moment in which heavy federal spending might be secured for the clean-energy transition,” Bloomberg said.

    Green Fascists Are Destroying the World: ‘Fascistic climate change movement will destroy freedom & prosperity’Edward Ring: "If left unchecked, this fascistic climate change movement will destroy freedom and prosperity while it destroys the planet it purportedly wants to save. Ideological and Economic Fascism Combined - This is not a frivolous accusation because, in this case, the shoe fits. There are two types of fascism. One is based on ideology and manipulates popular emotions, and the other is based on economics and appeals to elitist greed. The climate crisis movement has found a way to combine both."

    The 1540 Megadrought in Europe: The River Rhine ran dry, fires burned, & no one blamed coal or beef steak

    Watch: ‘Stop this madness’ – Morano debates electric cars on China TV – EV’s ‘dig the Earth’ with mining – This is a ‘mandated controlled planned move against the wishes of average consumers’CGTN TV - China Global Television Network - Broadcast August 12, 2022 - Marc Morano Debates Changhua Wu, the CEO of the Beijing Future Innovation Center.
    Morano: "I'm arguing against this whole idea of the mandated electric cars. I think it should be a consumer choice. You cannot force the unnatural end the gas-powered cars and unfortunately due to this alleged climate crisis that's exactly where every government's policies are headed. We need to call a timeout and say stop this madness. ...
    The problem comes when we're now giving up gas-powered cars with the illusion that the electric car is somehow going to be more environmentally friendly. Electric cars dig the earth. And that's the bottom line and also you have the battery disposal, you have recycling, you have also the cost-benefit issues. Is it actually going to -- if you buy an expensive electric car -- will you save money in the long run versus a cheaper gas-powered car? ..
    We look at it as dangerous to have reliance on China. There's concern over China is buying up U.S. farmland. There's concern about our reliance on China for all these critical rare earth metals and mining."

    Pelosi: Biden-Manchin climate bill will appease ‘angry’ Earth: ‘Mother Earth gets angry from time to time, & this legislation will help us address all of that’
    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Biden-Manchin climate: “How can they (Republicans) vote against the planet?” Pelosi said. 'Mother Earth gets angry from time to time, & this legislation will help us address all of that'
    Climate Depot's Morano Comments: "Has it comes to this, a climate bill in DC will appease 'angry' Mother Earth? Will human sacrifices be next to appease the 'angry' Earth gods? Actually, this bill will create human sacrifice by imposing even more suffering from energy deprivation, supply chain issues, food shortages, inflation, debt, and bad science. Congress is allegedly passing this pork-barrel spending bill in Washington to make the Earth 'happy'? But, the Earth -- 'angry' or not -- will not notice the impact on global CO2 emissions, let alone the climate! Is Pelosi's comment what passes for intelligent climate discourse in Washington DC these days?!" See:Analysis: Biden’s 50% emissions reduction target for 2030 (if achieved) would have a ‘nearly unmeasurable’ impact on overall global CO2 emissions

    Russell Brand on The Great Reset: Farmers are being ‘bankrupted by top-down edicts…isn’t it possible, likely even, that that was always the intention?’
    Russell Brand: "When people see that play out when they see that you know centralized hedge-funded property development firms are acquiring property. When they see that the agriculture from Sri Lanka to the Netherlands is being bankrupted by top-down edicts to change their farming practices in ways that are presented as being ecologically friendly but close examination reveals that by his fruits shall we know him. If the result of an edict is it bankrupts farmers, allowing centralized agricultural interests to acquire land cheaply, then isn't it possible -- likely even -- that that was always the intention?"
    Matthew C. Taibbi is an American author, journalist, and podcaster: "How can you be an American worker who watched the factory that used to be in your town moved to a place like China while the United States gives most favored nation trading status to the Chinese and then listen to a politician say 'Well you know you should learn to code or whatever.' It just doesn't fly. You start to feel like they're not really working for you, that they're working for the people in Davos or something like that."

    Green New Deal in Action! ‘Businesses in Spain have to keep summer air conditioning above 80 degrees F under new govt rules’

    NYT: Europe facing the ‘physical absence of energy’ – EU ‘staring down a ‘wartime’ winter…government rationing, closure of energy markets, & industrial shutdowns’Europe facing the "physical absence of energy."

    Watch: Morano on TV refutes claims that ‘climate change’ will cause more COVID-like viruses’ – ‘Support the Green New Deal or you are a Gramma Killer!’
    OAN TV - August 10, 2022

    Biden falsely links Kentucky floods to ‘climate change’ – Reality Check: Floods ‘have not increased in frequency or intensity’ – White House ignores peer-reviewed studies & IPCC & dataDebunked: Kentucky’s Floods Were NOT Caused By ‘Climate Change’ – Media/Biden ‘Claims are rubbish & fraudulent’- Paul Homewood: As ever, the claims are rubbish and fraudulent. The record 24-hour rainfall in Kentucky stands at more than 10 inches, and was set in 1997.
    Trends in extreme rainfall are not on the rise in Kentucky. ... As is usually the case, the media interviews the locals, who understandably say “this is the worst we have ever seen”. Of course it is, because these are small-scale, localised events, and people’s experience only dates back a couple of decades or so. The harsh reality, however, is that floods like these happen, and have always happened, somewhere or other every year. They have nothing to do with climate change. Also see: Biden falsely links Kentucky floods to ‘climate change’

    Also see: Biden: ‘The weather may be beyond our control — for now’ – Biden joins Bill Gates & China in seeking to control the weather

    Watch: Morano on Fox News on the Great Food Reset: China & Bill Gates buying up U.S. farmland – Pushing fake meat & bugs – ‘Unfiltered w/ Dan Bongino’
    Dan Bongino: Here to weigh in is the author of the upcoming book, The Great Reset...Marc, no one knows more about the Great Reset than you, you literally wrote a book on it, we just showed the cover. ...Is what we are seeing in the Netherlands a sign of things to come if the climate activists get their way here in the U.S. and other places?
    Marc Morano: ‘We know that Bill Gates’ goal is to get us to stop eating meat and get us to start eating lab-grown, vegetable oil-processed fake meat. The same with Al Gore. The same with the World Economic Forum. They are pushing insect-eating as well. The United Nations, the World Economic Forum...That's been their goal, the whole entire goal. First of all, you have the World Economic Forum which Bill Gates is a prominent member. You have Bill Gates buying up farmland -- the single largest American farmland owner now, according to NBC News. I know no one likes a monopoly so don’t worry Dan. China is also gobbling up American farmland. So it’s a competition. We actually have good old market competition -- China versus Bill Gates. Who do you want to win that battle? ...
    This will have devastating consequences because as the old Chinese proverb says, 'When food is on the table there are many problems. When there is no food, there is only one problem.'

    ESG touting Blackrock opening up Palm Beach office despite ‘climate change’ claimsDavid Kreutzer on climate activist Blackrock movig to Florida: ESG? We believe hurricanes are getting worse, so we moved to Palm Beach.
    We think catastrophic sea-level rise is an existential threat, so we moved to Palm Beach.
    Science tells us that the world is warming dangerously, so we moved to a warmer climate.

    Watch: World Economic Forum touts Biden-Manchin climate/spending bill: ‘New US climate deal could pay people in the US to be more sustainable’World Economic Forum claims Biden/Manchin. bill promotes 'climate-smart agriculture' - Is that what we call Sri Lanka & the Netherlands?!
    Does that mean Bill Gates & China buy up all of your farmland?!

    UK’s first net-zero ‘smart prison’ in Yorkshire powered by solar energy where inmates have TABLETS in their cellsUK government announces new 'smart' prison at Full Sutton in East Yorkshire to be opened in three years' time
    It's signed a £400 million contract with construction firm Kier to start construction on the facility this autumn
    Inmates will have access to laptops and tablets in cells but they will be connected to a 'secure prison intranet'

    How Do Citizens Stop The Climate Hustle?Melissa Martin, Ph.D.: First, I want to thank Marc Morano for standing up against the powerful climate cabal that is using the global warming (aka, carbon emissions) ruse as camouflage to implement a totalitarian world government...Climate Depot publisher Marc Morano is the author of the 2021 book, “Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal Is Even Worse than You Than You Think” and the author of the best-selling 2018 book, “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change.” He is also the award-winning producer, writer and host of Climate Hustle — a film released in 2016 to hundreds of U.S. theatres — and Climate Hustle 2 in 2020. He served as a senior staffer at the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. Morano’s 2022 book, “The Great Reset: Global Elites and the Permanent Lockdown” will be available August 30. [] Rise of the Climate Monarchy: Climate Hustle 2 looks at both popular scientific claims surrounding climate change and examines motivations of those clamoring for immediate action.

    ‘Net Zero’ groupthink got us into this mess energy mess – ‘Green virtue-signalling has wreaked havoc’

    Green Britain: One-in-four Brits predicted to be unable to afford energy bills – ‘Ticking time bomb’ of record energy bills

    Germany U-turns on nuclear in scramble to avert winter crisis – as energy crisis also sparks run on coal

    India plans U-turn on coal plant closures in blow to climate pledges

    Listen: Morano on WMAL DC radio on Pelosi’s claims the climate bill will appease ‘Mother Earth’ – We used to think witches could impact the weather

    John Kerry’s climate office rife with ties to far-left green groups

    Bill Gates Approves of Biden/Manchin climate bill: ‘May be the single most important piece of climate legislation in American history’Bill Gates informed us recently that The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) “may be the single most important piece of climate legislation in American history.”

    Leonardo DiCaprio funneled grants through dark money group to fund climate nuisance lawsuits, emails show

    Aussie Journalist Celebrates Biden’s Climate Bill Deception: ‘Rebranding the legislation’ as inflation reduction was a ‘brilliant piece of marketing’Aussie financial journalist Alan Kohler: "Rebranding the legislation was an obvious, but brilliant piece of marketing – it’s called the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), but it’s in fact a climate bill with – as Paul Krugman wrote in the New York Times, a 'side helping of health reform.'"

    Claim: A Total Victory for Socialism Could Save us From Climate Change

    Last edited by Airbornesapper07; 08-22-2022 at 03:47 PM.
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