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    Union teachers discuss pushing Marxism in elementary and high school classrooms

    Union teachers discuss pushing Marxism in elementary and high school classrooms
    by Joel McDurmon on Mar 9, 2012

    The video description explains: “Sarah Knopp, a Los Angeles teachers union leader (in the Tax the Rich shirt) and Megan Behrent a New York City teacher affiliated with the International Socialist Organization, explain how to push Marxism in the public school classroom.”

    The first half of the video is a bit difficult to hear as Knopp’s voice is muted. She explains how a student-led strike in Puerto Rico was influenced because the students had been inspired by teachers went on strike before them. The students just mimicked their socialist teachers. Knopp comments,

    What can you do to empower students to fight for justice [a Marxist code word]? Fighting for our own justice is one of the best things we can do to set an example.

    (FYI: “Justice” normally means having things right by the rule of law. When used by conservatives it means private property and individual responsibility for your actions. When Marxists, Socialists, and other miscreants use the word, the redistribution of property by government coercion is built into it. By fighting for “justice,” these types mean fighting to have government give them and theirs more of the money you earn.)

    It gets better. The second half of the video is more clear as Behrent asks, “How do you actually as a teacher in a classroom kind of promote ideas of Marxism . . . ?” She answers,

    Part of it is, particularly at a high school level or elementary school level you have to be careful. . . . Wherever you possibly can, part of it is actually just allowing room for critical thought in the classroom, and allowing for students to think for themselves, to talk about issues wherever possible to bring in history, and, you know, radical people from the past who fought for that kind of thing. And I think that there is space to do that even if there’s limitations on it; that we have to do to try to provide that room in our classrooms. I think radicals and socialists have a particular role to play in fighting for that type of education.

    So, here is a glossary parents may find helpful to understand the socialist teachers’ union agenda:

    “Allowing room” = Hijacking time from basic subjects in order to make room radicalism and socialist agendas

    “Critical thought” = Criticizing traditional beliefs from the perspective of radicalism

    “Think for themselves” = Influencing students with radical ideas their parents would not approve of

    “History” = the feats of socialist heroes as told by socialists

    “Radicals and Socialists” = the people who teach your children in public schools

    “Wherever possible” = every day, several times a day, in every subject


    Union teachers discuss pushing Marxism in elementary and high school classrooms*|*American Vision News

    There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism-by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide. The degree of Socialism depends on how advanced is the road to Statism and Marxism.

    from Bear Witness

    Listen to Teacher push Marxism in schools.

    Most important remember YOU ARE NOT ALONE, United We Stand!!!

    Not to speak is to speak, not to act is to act.

    Karen Schoen, AgEnder
    Last edited by kathyet; 03-21-2012 at 10:17 AM.

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