Not only did Hijab Hilllary refuse to designate Boko Haram a terrorist group, she refused even after they threatened to kill the American ambassador

Posted on 19 May, 2014 by Dylan

Boko Haram, the African MUSLIM al Qaeda-linked terror group who abducted nearly 300 young Christian girls, promised to assassinate U.S. ambassador to Nigeria Terence McCulley in February 2012, vowing to murder him if America signed a terrorism-fighting Memorandum with the Nigerian government.
Independent media outlets inside Nigeria first reported on February 9, 2012 that an unnamed Boko Haram leader issued a statement promising that ‘we will murder the U.S. Ambassador if the Memorandum Of Understanding is signed.’ The revelation provides a stark parallel with assassination warnings issued by Islamist groups in Benghazi, Libya in the months before the September 11, 2012 attack that killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other American personnel.
Boko Haram vowed in February 2012 to assassinate Ambassador Terence McCulley if the U.S. helped Nigeria with terror-fighting efforts
‘We know his house … We know his vehicle and the time he leaves his house and the time he returns,’ the group said in a communique to media
The warning was similar to Ansar al-Shariah’s pledge to kill U.S. officials in Benghazi, Libya, three months before the deadly 2012 terror attack there
Despite clear threats, Hillary Clinton’s State Department fought efforts to officially designate the mass-murdering Nigerians as a terrorist group
A former State Dept. official said naming new terror groups ‘sent the wrong message’ about al-Qaeda and its allies as Barack Obama ran for re-election.