Glad to see them display the Bill of Rights last week in Trenton. I did get a kick out of the comments. Pictures of it are on link below.

State's history on display

N.J.'s copy of Bill of Rights manuscript is on exhibit in TrentonTHE ASSOCIATED PRESS • November 21, 2008

TRENTON — New Jersey's original manuscript of the U.S. Bill of Rights is on display today in the state archives in Trenton. It also was displayed Thursday.

The document is one of 13 parchment duplicates distributed to the 13 states for ratification in 1789.

The manuscript shows the 12 proposed amendments. Ten became known as the Bill of Rights.

The New Jersey document is identical to the 14th manuscript, which was retained by the U.S. Congress.

New Jersey is celebrating the 219th anniversary of its ratification of the Bill of Rights. It was the first state to ratify the bill of rights on Nov. 20, 1789.

11/21/2008 8:24:18 PM Oh, how wonderful! I hope the schools take an interest in this and bring students to Trenton to see such an historic collection. It is important that although our very own government skews the law sometimes, perhaps this will spark an interest in our leaders of tomorrow and a new generation of politicians will be born! granny42
botfly wrote:

Our rights as defined by the bill are locked up along with our rights in the museum.
11/21/2008 1:12:53 PM Our rights as defined by the bill are locked up along with our rights in the museum. botfly
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alibnot wrote:

11/21/2008 12:06:46 PM ... 8811210349