Nobel Mass Murder Prize, NDAA, Europe Riots, CISPA Returns?

Published on Oct 9, 2012 by breakingtheset

Nobel mass murder club, Congress to rethink CISPA, US Healthcare Sucks, Riots in Greece, NDAA plaintiff speaks out,

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EPISODE BREAKDOWN: On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin highlights Matt Heineman as today's hero for removing politics from the healthcare debate in America, with his documentary 'Escape Fire.' Abby then calls out Michigan Congressman Mike Rogers for attempting to bring back a CISPA-esque cyber-legislation that is a clear example of over-reaching state surveillance for the telecom industry to profit. Abby then talks to the host of RT's Capital Account, Lauren Lyster, about the austerity protests in Greece, and across Europe. Abby then talks to a plaintiff and activist against the NDAA's indefinite detention provision, Alexa O'brien, about her personal experience fighting the government against unlawful detention. BTS wraps up with a look at who Alfred Nobel was, and highlights a few of the most controversial Americans to have received the coveted Nobel Peace prize.