The Supreme Court can pack up shop. We won’t need it anymore

Obama’s ineligibility: May the Constitution rest in peace

- Lawrence Sellin Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Supreme Court can pack up shop. We won’t need it anymore.

The political elites will now decide what parts of the Constitution they will choose to follow and which ones they prefer to ignore. Their propaganda ministry, the main stream media, will provide the necessary thought control.

US Government, reeks of corruption
The junta, formerly known as the US Government, reeks of corruption.

Thanks to the malfeasance or political cowardice of the Republican and Democratic Parties, we now have an ineligible individual, Barack Hussein Obama, occupying the White House.

In addition, there is an increasing amount of credible evidence to suggest that forgery may have been committed during Obama’s campaign for the Presidency.

Yet there are no ongoing official investigations. Quite the contrary, everything is being done by both political parties to suppress any discussion of wrongdoing.

Just what were the political elites thinking in 2008 when they decided to circumvent the Constitution and dismiss the inconsistencies in Obama’s background? And why are they ignoring the issues now?

I understand that it is sometimes difficult to determine if members of Congress are just plain stupid or selfish phonies.

No doubt, a few could be classified “dumb as bricksâ€