About The Smuggled $134.5 Billion In US Bearer Bonds...

By Richard Sauder, Phd

Now this *is* interesting...

Remember those two "Japanese" who were caught out a few days ago trying to smuggle $134.5 billion in U.S. bearer bonds into Switzerland?

Two Japanese caught smuggling US bonds worth $134.5 billion
http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/capress/0906 ... gled_bonds


Well, the Wall Street Journal reported on 30 March 2009 that there were $134.5 billion of TARP funds left in the U.S. Treasury Department's financial rescue fund.

Treasury Has $134.5 Billion Left in TARP

What a coincidence, eh? Here's a thought: could it possibly be that the $134.5 billion left in the TARP fund is the *same* $134.5 billion that the two "Japanese" tried to smuggle into Switzerland last week? Maybe the Feds are trying to smuggle their *own* money out of the country via back channels and into Switzerland, because they know the whole American financial system is headed for the toilet at warp speed?

You see, if you want to avoid paying duties, taxes, imposts, etc., or if you are converting public monies to private purposes, or funding black budget undertakings, then you resort to suitcases with false bottoms and mysterious "Japanese" couriers. Can you say Yakuza errand boys? See how easy high finance is?

Think of it: the IRS leans on you, you get nervous, you pay the IRS, the IRS converts the funds to bearer bonds, the U.S. Treasury then contacts the Japanese mob's courier service and a couple of "Japanese" errand boys take care of things from there. Well, except these two got caught. But maybe ten others slip through. It's the law of averages. And you thought you needed an MBA from Yale or Harvard to understand how big money works and how governments handle money. Silly you... Trix are for kids!

