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News Link • Energy
Nuclear Catastrophe Imminent at San Onofre if Guidelines Continue to be Ignored

05-16-2012 • Home | Common Dreams, Common Dreams staff
According to a new report released by Fairewinds and Friends of the Earth, Southern California Nuclear energy company Edison avoided federal regulatory guidelines when replacing defective steam generators at the San Onofre nuclear power plant, leading to major malfunctions and a release of radiation from defective equipment at San Onofre in January.

The company's solutions include plugging the tubes that carry radioactive steam and operating the plant at reduced power; however, the report reveals that these solutions are greatly insufficient and indicative of a consistently negligent and under-regulated industry.

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Nuclear Catastrophe Imminent at San Onofre if Guidelines Continue to be Ignored | Common Dreams

Nuclear Catastrophe Imminent at San Onofre if Guidelines Continue to be Ignored