Black Teen Unemployment Rate Rises To 43 Percent In February

Black Teen Unemployment Rate Rises To 43 Percent In February <--- More at the link

Uncle Sam's Misguided Children

Insane liberal moonbat Chris "Tingle Up My Leg" Matthews recently called the economy: "Obama’s amazing economy." No, I'm not kidding! Shameless ass-kissing, left wing media propagandists who give Obama tongue baths on a daily basis continue to distort the REAL economic news and data, trying to cling to the artificially inflated stock market which has been propped up by the corrupt Federal Reserve.

Most dumbass libs and progressive DemoRATS don't know what 'QE' is. By flooding the economy with a greater money supply, Obama claims he's trying to maintain artificially low interest rates while providing consumers with extra money to spend more freely and boost the economy... but anyone who understands economics, understands this leads directly to inflation...or hyperinflation. QE leads to short-term benefits with a very, very high risk of exacerbating long-term problems. As a result, it's usually only used as a last resort when the economy faces a great risk of an impeding recession or depression. Keynesian economics is study in failure, pure insanity, and inevitable disaster. This batsh*t crazy theory has failed in practice EVERY time it has ever been tried. Business cycles have historically been caused by GOVERNMENTS, and they are almost always a response to government policies to increase the size of the state through trade barriers, higher taxation, more spending, more regulation and programs of fear and compliance. SOUND FAMILIAR??? It's obvious to anyone with a functioning brain that Keynesian economics and demand management are tools for fools.

So why don't we compare the main economic indicators from January '09 when Obama’s reign of terror began, until today, shall we? The numbers simply don't lie...

So keep telling yourselves how much better things liberal idiots and Obama worshipers...
— with Republicans AIDS.