We now have the media of an one-party state

Obama’s ineligibility: The American press has dishonored itself

- Lawrence Sellin
Thursday, April 21, 2011

We now have the media of an one-party state.

I was watching ABC’s George Stephanopoulos interviewing Donald Trump about the birth certificate issue. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lD2NcW_ ... r_embedded

It struck me how much more Stephanopoulos sounded like an Obama staff member than an independent and objective journalist.

Continuing his crusade to save Obama from the dustbin of history, Stephanopoulos, on Good Morning America, waved a copy of Obama’s alleged Certification of Live Birth at Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN). http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0411/53468.html

He demanded that she renounce her recent heresy of questioning Obama’s eligibility to be President by swearing an oath to the purity of her thoughts in order for her to be considered an acceptable contender for the Republican presidential nomination.

Stephanopoulos is the caricature of a main stream media news anchor
Stephanopoulos is the caricature of a main stream media (MSM) news anchor, who moved seamlessly from being press secretary for the Clinton administration to being the spokesman for left-wing Democrats at ABC news.

Of course, the MSM long ago discarded any pretense of independence and objectivity. They have completely bought into the Obama agenda and they want to protect their investment.

The MSM are now enthusiastically shielding Obama from doubts about his eligibility by making the “birther questionâ€