Obama's War on America, a war he is fighting by attacking the American Dream, Kill the dream, Kill the Soul

Obama’s Post-Capitalist America

By Daniel Greenfield Monday, June 22, 2009

We don’t have to work too hard to envision what Obama’s Post-Capitalist America will look like, because it’s here already. The basic ingredients bureaucratization and overregulation have already destroyed sizable chunks of American industry and business over a number of decades. Now with nationalization on the table, we’re getting the first glimpses of what the American auto industry and medicine will look like, nationalized.

Creeping socialism has steadily made American businesses less competitive and more dependent on government funds. Environmentalism is only the latest and most destructive incarnation of government initiatives that have on the one hand crippled businesses, and on the other hand transformed them into beggars looking for a government handout. Going “greenâ€