Malice aforethought

Will U.S. survive pending E.U. economic implosion?

By Jim Campbell
Thursday, December 2, 2010

With many European countries facing serious social unrest because they can no longer financially support the promises made to their people, the day of financial reckoning seems near.

It can’t be happenstance that the current administration led by President Barack Hussein Obama is unaware the policies he is imposing upon the United States are crumbling around the world.

The legal term, Malice aforethought is predominantly used in the case of premeditated murder. From a purely legal standpoint the commission of an act or acts having been thought about at some point before being committed represents premeditation.

In that sense when candidate Barack Hussein Obama told Joe the plumber, that he believed in spreading the wealth around, Joe called him on it saying, “That sounds like socialism to me.â€