Obama Compares Campaign To Revolution

January 11, 2012 by Sam Rolley

Obama believes he is a revolutionary President.

This week, President Barack Obama said that donors to his Presidential campaign were like the modern-day equivalent of the colonists who fought the British for American independence during the Revolutionary War.

“It takes you, ordinary citizens committed to fighting and pushing, inching this country forward bit by bit so we get closer to our highest ideals,” The Daily Caller reported Obama said in a campaign speech to 700 donors seated at white-linen tables in Washington’s Capital Hilton hotel. “That’s how this country was built. That’s how we freed ourselves from an empire.”

Obama reportedly did not stop with the Revolutionary comparison, but went on liken his aspirations to the accomplishments of those of the members of what is often referred to as the “greatest generation” and of the Civil Rights movement that followed.

Obama Compares Campaign To Revolution : Personal Liberty Digest™=