Death Knell of America

Allowing Obama and Congress to Pass the Carbon Tax on the Global Warming Hoax

By Jerry McConnell
Friday, June 18, 2010

Our blood-sucking liberal Democrat Congress, with the obvious urging of the Dictator-in-the-Wings B.H Obama, is showing their desperation at the prospects of annihilation at the polls this coming November.

These panicky worms have piled debt after debt after debt on our backs with their unbelievably arrogant and unintelligent forays into the Treasury of our country with their spend, spend, spend programs that may have been a tad acceptable had only one major drain been foisted on the ever-worried tax payer; but no, one was not enough, they kept wanting MORE, MORE, MORE with their nonsensical bail out programs, their insane (non) Stimulus programs, the back-breaking ObamaCare health program until they have us taxpayers on our knees BEGGING their indulgence to spare us even more heavy debt and tax burdens.

And now even after the country, including some of their former allies and supporters screaming ENOUGH, ENOUGH, these vicious anti-Americans that would drown us all in a sea of red ink just to be able to win in the upcoming elections through the sheer bludgeoning of us, want to pass the odious and corrupted global warming bill, renamed to make it sound more acceptable, to Cap and Trade; another farcical misnamed piece of dung designed mainly to do ONE thing – CAUSE MORE DEBT AND MUCH, MUCH HIGHER TAXES.

And why, you ask, would they do this thing right now when the country is devastated with a financial crisis of our southern coast due to the gigantic in volume and in financial losses as well, oil spill crisis. This is one of the Rahm Emanuel “never waste a crisisâ€