Why is All Girl Muslim Prom Not a Violation of Separation of Church and State?

When was the last time you heard about a public high school holding a Baccalaureate Service for their Christian students who were graduating?

When was the last time you heard about a public school holding a Christmas (not holiday), Easter or Hanukkah program?

When was the last time you heard about a public school that did anything positive for Christian or Jewish students?

I bet your answer is, not for some time. The ACLU and various atheist groups have successfully driven them out of the public school system. Any show of religion (except atheism, humanism and secularism) is a violation of the separation of the church and state.

So why aren’t the ACLU and atheist groups hollering about the girls only prom held by Hamtramck High School. Muslim girls are not allowed to dance or socialize with boys, and since the school has such a high number (65%) Muslim students, the school held a separate girls only prom just for the Muslims.

Hamtramck, Michigan is a northern suburb of Detroit and not that far from Dearborn, who has the largest percentage Muslim population of any city in the US. Many of the Muslims are originally from other countries such as Palestine, Bosnia, Yemen, Poland and a number of African countries.

The girls only prom gained national attention when the New York Times ran a feature story on the Muslim event. Yet no one from the ACLU has said anything to condemn the obviously religious event. Barry Lynn from Americans United for Separation of Church and State has also remained silent. Perhaps they have all remained silent about the public school endorsed Muslim prom because they are so busy attacking Christian and Jewish programs elsewhere in the county?

The acceptance of the Muslim prom is another warning sign that Islam is taking over American culture and law. They are being allowed to trod where no other religion can. They are being given special treatment while Christians and Jews are being stripped of their rights and freedoms. If left unchecked, it won’t be long before it will be officially known as the United Islamic States of America.

Read more: Why is All Girl Muslim Prom Not a Violation of Separation of Church and State? - Godfather Politics