Your choice: Get off the couch or socialism

Posted: September 28, 2009
1:00 am Eastern
© 2009

There's an old saying that there are three kinds of people in the world. There are people who make things happen, people who watch things happen and people who ask what happened. The latter group will wake up in the not-too-distant future and ask what happen to the United States of America if they just sit there.

The big government tax-and-spend liberals are happy with this irrefutable government power grab of our liberties, while too many conservatives at heart are just sitting on the couch. And since the mainstream media is not connecting the dots about what is really happening, here are some recent examples:

The "Cap & Trade & Tax & Kill" bill was passed in the House of Representatives under the false premise of a global warming crisis. Only eight Republicans voted for this bill, and none of the 211 Democrats read the bill before voting in favor of the bill.

The president and the Democrat-controlled Congress are attempting to confiscate total control of our nation's health-care system using often disputed and misleading information, while claiming the end result will not be socialized medicine. This claim has been repeatedly shown to be false by dozens of organizations and hundreds of writers.

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus attempted to silence the private insurance company Humana Inc. for daring to criticize one part of his proposed health-care bill. (Baucus Bludgeons Humana). This is both an abuse of power through intimidation and a violation of the First Amendment to the Constitution.

The administration, the Democrats and the mainstream media have tried to ignore the millions of voices speaking out at town hall meetings, tea parties and rallies. Despite the name calling and mischaracterization of their motives by Democrats, people are simply saying, "We are not sheeple."

And hoping we would not find out, the House Democrats' proposed health-care deform legislation, H.R. 3200, expands the powers of the already abusive Internal Revenue Service to become the health insurance police.

Our nation has an unsustainable level of federal spending, which includes a projected doubling of the national debt in 10 years, along with the largest single-year deficit in history of $1.8 trillion for the current fiscal year of 2009. This does not include the trillions of dollars in unfunded liabilities for Social Security and Medicare, which are being ignored by the president and Congress as they pile on more and more spending.

The president has appointed an unprecedented number of unconfirmed "czars," many of whom having anti-liberty, anti-constitutional and anti-free-market views on what America should look like in the future.

And by the way, we are in a recession.

Regardless of the bills being proposed or passed by Congress, the inherent fundamentals are the same. Namely, bigger government, more spending, more taxes and fewer liberties will be shoved down our throats, if we just watch things happen.

Yes, there are national security issues that we are concerned about, which we may not be able to impact immediately. But the voices of We the People can help shape domestic policy now as it evolves through Congress.

To reiterate from a previous commentary, we can and must continue to voice our opposition collectively to wrongheaded, anti-liberty and anti-free-market proposals. The power of the ballot box is still our greatest antidote to this socialism express, but we have to have more people who are better informed to make better decisions in November 2010.

As a caller to my radio show put it last week, more people will have to get off the couch and help make things happen.

That's how America was founded.