Obama Not Only Flubs His Speech In Bristol Virginia - He Tells A Major Whopper

By now most of the American people have heard at least one excerpt from Barack Obama’s famous speech delivered on June 5, 2008, before a crowd of 2,600 people attending the Bristol, Virginia Town Hall event. Following that event, emails carrying links to the short YouTube video, radio news commentators and talk show hosts and television news anchors supplied the hilarious audio record of Obama hopelessly ensnared by his own tongue - mid-speech, when the teleprompter failed to deliver his intended words in their intended order, and he was left to his own devices, verbally thrashing, struggling and floundering about as he futilely attempted to get his point across and miserably failed. In the unlikely event that you did not see this video, don’t remember the event, or you were buried in some closet during the entire month of June, I am supplying a link to the YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxBX8sz3tO8 of that comedy routine to refresh your memory before continuing with this posting.

At any rate, putting the less than articulate gaffe to the side, the speech that Obama made in Bristol, Virginia was primarily about the Democratic candidates intention to implement a national healthcare plan (socialized medicine) to provide health care coverage for this nation’s more than 20 million illegal aliens and other parasitic inhabitants, and while that is all very interesting by itself, what I found even more interesting were the comments he made about the of the money floating into the politicians pockets and Party campaign treasuries from the Washington lobbyists and political action committees.

What Obama said that caught my attention was that from that moment forward, neither he nor the Democratic National Party would accept any money (not one thin dime) from Washington lobbyists or from political action committees. The following is a direct, verbatim quote of Barack Obama’s own words as they poured from his lips during the June 5, 2008 speech:

“We are here today because we know that if we are going to make real progress this time we got to do things different. Throughout my career, in Illinois, in the United States senate I’ve worked to reduce the power of special interests and the power of lobbyists. I’ve sent a strong signal in this campaign by refusing to take contributions from federal registered lobbyists and from PACs, and today - today as the Democratic nominee for president, I am announcing that going forward the Democratic National Committee will uphold the same standards, we will not take a dime from Washington lobbyists or special interest PACs. We’re going to change how Washington works. They will not fund my party, they will not run our Whitehouse, and they will not drown out the voice of the American people when I’m president of the United States of America.â€