Health Care Reform: Liberals consider this a victory. Conservatives should see it as a declaration of war


By Lance Thompson
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Democrat Congress with overwhelming majorities and a Democrat president with a hard left agenda have enacted into law a massive takeover of a vast sector of our economy. They did this over the objections of what every poll showed to be a majority of Americans.

Health care reform was also enacted over bipartisan objection–no Republicans voted for the bill, but several Democrats voted against it. Health care reform was achieved at the cost of crippling debt and the certainty of seismic disruption of our health care system. Liberals consider this a victory. Conservatives should see it as a declaration of war.

The other side has named the stakes. They want a dependent population that will have to rely upon and petition the government for health care, and enslave the same population with massive debt. If they prevail, government will be the highest authority in every aspect of your private life–not simply medical care. Government will tell us what we can eat, how much we can weigh, what activities we can participate in, and how old is too old to receive medical treatment. All of these are part of the new health bill. All this comes at a multi-trillion dollar price. Even the CBO (Cooked Book Office) estimate says the cost will be at least one trillion dollars, but they can’t predict most of the fiscal effects. The end of personal liberty for every American and fiscal ruin for the nation’s economy are the stakes.

The other side has established the tactics. “By Any Means Necessaryâ€