Feb 04, 2010

Obama, with a smile, pushes back on those who question his citizenship

09:21 AM

President Obama, addressing the National Prayer Breakfast today, made a passing reference to the "birther" movement that alleges he is not a U.S. citizen.

His remarks came in a passage about the need for more civility in politics.

"Surely you can question my policies without questioning my faith," he said, pausing before adding: "Or for that matter my citizenship."

The remark drew laughter from the audience followed by a smile from the president.

Click here for more on the speech from our colleagues at The Oval.

Our friends at Faith & Reasons have details on the prayer breakfast itself, including an appearance by evangelical football star Tim Tebow and a disinvite of some Uganda regulars over the country's controversial anti-gay legislation.

http://content.usatoday.com/communities ... izenship/1