What Is Left?
By Ilya Sandra Perlingieri, PhD
© 2008 - All Rights Reserved

Who will weep for our lost Nation? How many citizens will cry in anguish for our republic, devastated and destroyed by an elite group of insiders who, bit by bit, through stealth, lies, deceit, chicanery, and outright criminal fraud have wrecked Constitutional havoc. Checks and balances are gone. Congress is bought and sold by corporate lobbyists. Congress no longer works for us. The judiciary, packed with neocons, then shoves new "legal interpretations" down our own throats or disregards time-honored ones. Our country is no longer "we, the people." Now, it is "we, the corporations." Is this not fascism?

Aided and abetted by a corporate-controlled media, American sheople have bought into the Electronic Age's Orwellian doublethink and doublespeak. It was all planned. We take the "reported" drivel on radio and TV (even PBS and NPR) as gospel. We don't think critically any longer, in part, because Americans are poorly educated. Evidence has been building for more than two decades that the average college student enters higher education with poor reading, writing, and math skills. I have seen this repeatedly with my own students, who cannot write a coherent sentence to save themselves. Tutorials abound; but these students Â*and often millions of other Americans who are not in school-- cannot even speak the language with any proper grammar, let alone write it!

It's worse now than it has ever been. This is also profusely clear on so many web pages where spelling and grammatical errors abound. People do not know the difference between "its" and "it's." Be hip. Say, "yup," instead of yes. Now, people who are responding to "thank you" repeat the same words. "You're welcome," is gone; but in its place is: "that's okay" or "no problem." How did "you're welcome" become "no problem"?

Education in the US is in deep trouble. This is part of the reason why the average US high school student's reading score is at the same level as it was in 1971; and the US ranks 25th out of 30 countries in math.(1) Older Americans are far more well educated than today's students. The Orwellian doublespeak that now prevails, "No child left behind." actually means "most children are left behind." Americans are dumbed down.

The US is an extremely violent society; and it has the highest prison rate of any Western country. We have billions of taxpayer dollars to kill and maim citizens abroad as well as here. Even so, there is no money for education; no money for elder care, or for medical care for all; no money for food for the poor, or children who go to bed hungry at night; and no money for crumbling infrastructure. Our country is in a shambles. What is left?

Children are our precious future. They are The Real Wealth of Nations, as Dr. Riane Eisler so brilliantly writes in her latest book. A great country takes care of all its citizens, abides by its own laws, honors international laws and treaties, and does not attack --without any provocation-- other countries. What is left, when these United States totally disregards all of this?

However, there is an even more insidious aspect regarding the loss of our Constitutional Rights. When we are poisoned by the massive amounts of toxic pollution that we breathe with each and every breath; when we drink water legally fouled with a deadly brew of chemicals and pharmaceuticals that spell disaster for "real" health; when we eat a hazardous, pesticide, and an irradiated food supply that also contains unregulated and unlabeled dangerous GMOs, any real health is long gone.

When we base our safety and well being on what is termed "acceptable insurance risk," then money trumps lives. How many people will die, before some product on the shelves is considered unsafe? This "risk" method is completely askew. But, it serves the corporations well.
Look at all the drug ads. These are not manufactured for our health. They are made for corporate profit. Today, Corporate Greed is out of control. That is their modus operandi; and we are the guinea pigs. Often drugs are marketed without any real long-term, independent tests for safety. There are so many examples of drugs put on the market without unbiased research. How is this playing out with compromised immune systems for countless children on medication for behavioral problems and adults who have daily prescriptions to take mood uppers and downers. This is all palliative; but does not address any root environmental problems. Ours is a drugged society. Our well-being and safety are not part of any corporate ethos. Their bottom line is profit; and we are all expendable for that.

It is a basic, universal human right not to be poisoned.

When our children are born already with a toxic spew passed on via the mother to her newborn baby, what do we expect? There is a new field called Epigentics, the passing on of our DNA to the next generation. Our DNA is now drastically, tragically tainted with ubiquitous environmental poisons that have been spewed out legally for decades into our air, soil, and water in unprecedented amounts.

The entire web of life Â*and, thus, our entire food chain- is poisoned and unraveling at an alarming pace. This is precisely because we use our planet as our own personal sewer. The gift of finite natural resources continues to dwindle, as land is raped and pillaged.

Look at the coal-mining industry, as it cuts off beautiful mountains and then leaves local communities ruined. Look at the devastation of shale oil extraction in Canada. Reports are legion, going back decades, for oil spills; chemical plant explosions, and other hazardous releases. All our waterways are a deadly spew. The tragedy of beached whales and dolphins continues. Look at rivers and lakes piled with dead or hermaphroditic fish and amphibians Â* the result also of decades of using hormone-disrupting chemicals in pesticides and plastics. In this wrecked scenario, corporations are not accountable for the harm they cntinue to create.

A report released on December 8 by ChemTrust, "Effects of Pollution on the Reproductive Health of Male Vertebrate Wildlife: Males Under Threat," is just the latest news, that goes back decades, of one scientific report after another warning us about the dangers of chemicals.(2) In her ground-breaking book, "Silent Spring," Rachel Carson cautioned us almost 50 years ago about the dangers of pesticides and other toxic chemicals. We have not headed her warning.

We humans Â* Homo sapiens, Latin for [sic]"wise men" - have destroyed our entire environment for more greed, but absolutely no real concept stewardship. Yet, these poisons have another deadly aspect that is off the radar.

What happens when an entire population is poisoned by an assortment of chemicals that deliberately impair cognitive function? Due to these environmental poisons, is some of what is being called (perhaps erroneously) "apathy" actually impaired cognitive function? Legally sanctioned releases of mercury (from coal-fired power and cement plants, removed dental amalgams, unsafe vaccines, and more) have increased dramatically over the past eight years. This is due to the deliberate weakening and dismantling of more than 30 years of environmental laws Â*specifically put in place in the 1970s to protect us.

For thousands of years, mercury has been known as a deadly poison. Mercury destroys cognitive function. Remember the "Mad Hatter" of "Alice in Wonderland"? Nineteenth-century "hatters" really did go "mad" because of the high levels of mercury, to which they were exposed daily while making hats. There is no safe level of mercury exposure. Today, in the early stages, people who have been heavily exposed to mercury can lose their ability to think clearly. Odd, forgetful behavior, or short-term memory loss often are early signs of mercury poisoning. However, it takes decades for mercury's insidious results to play out. From there, it is a slow and tragic fall into the abyss of lost cognition Â*until, in the later stages, a person is unable to speak, is bedridden, and becomes a vegetable. Death is the inevitable outcome.

Watching my mother die of mercury toxicity over a nine-and-a-half- year Descent into Hell was a crucial life experience for me of mercury's long-term and deadly effects. Once she was a brilliant and pioneering dentist. At the end of her life, she was unable to speak or function in any normal way.

What happens when --in addition to mercury in the air we breathe-- there are also very high levels of aluminum? The staggering amounts of Chemtrail toxicity to which we are all exposed includes nano particles of aluminum. Over the past nine or more years, without our informed consent or permission, these toxic aerosols are being sprayed on us 24-four hours each day, seven days every week, 365 days each year. In her 2007 speech at the United Nations, Rosalind Peterson noted that the US Air Force admits to dumping 500 tons of aluminum-coated fiberglass [but, how much more did they actually use?] in their [sic]contrails.(3) We are breathing this! Aluminum is also known to destroy brain function.

What happens, in our real, day-to-day lives when high levels of these two different poisons Â*mercury and aluminum- are deliberately released and/or sprayed into the air we breathe? How many tons of poisons are in our air at any given moment? What devastation is already happening to the cognitive function (let alone all the epidemic illnesses, cancers, and auto-immune diseases) of billions of people living in North America, and citizens around the world, with this hazardous scenario? These toxins also affect all other animals, including our companion pets.

Do we truly understand the ramifications of this? This is known as chemical brain injury Â*written about in journals-- not touched by the mainstream, corporate-controlled media. Can we possibly think that the epidemic rates of illnesses do not also affect the brain? Is this aluminum-coated fiberglass also related to or causing the epidemic of Chemtrails Morgellons?

We share the air! As mammals, we need clean Â*not polluted-- air to survive.

With more than 50 clandestine Weather Modification programs now being used throughout the US, without any public oversight or any prior safety tests, what is happening to our health, as it is being deliberately destroyed? There was absolutely no public discussion before the 109th Congress passed the Weather Modification Bill and it was signed into law in 2006. There is no medical or scientific research or oversight of either the short or long-range consequences of breathing barium (toxic to all mammals), aluminum, lithium, GM viruses, weaponized microbes, fungi, and molds Â*just a few of the hazards in these Chemtrail aerosols.

The clouds, rain, and snow now made by Chemtrails are all synthetic. Clouds and weather are now produced by the military and corporations, not by Mother Nature. The rain and snow that now falls smell full of chemicals (not the clean, fresh scent that we used to have after a rain or snow fall). The synthetic sparkles in snow are no longer real snowflakes, but aluminum. These days, all we have are the daily and massive poisoning of our entire population for nefarious ends.

How much of Climate Change and bizarre weather conditions are really the results of spraying billions of tons of Chemtrails and whatever other poisons are in these clandestine Weather Modification projects? We are unsuspecting guinea pigs in a massive poisoning of our entire population. These are international war crimes of the highest order! As yet, there has not been one public official held accountable for any of these heinous crimes. However, most Americans are in complete ignorance about this daily toxic assault.

Hamlet's "the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to," are now also greatly increased with exposure more than 100,000 chemicals (most of which have never been tested for human safety), poisoned Chemtrails, 60-years of nuclear wastes still in our daily environment, and the dreadful, two-mile-thick "Brown Clouds" pollution coming to North American from Asia.(4)

Our skin is a permeable membrane and the largest organ in the body. We are awash and enveloped in an invisible assortment of hazardous chemicals and untested nano-particles that surround our every move and go right into our skin. We were never meant to be lab-rat sponges for this uncontrolled toxic spew with which we are assaulted every single day without our permission. Allowing any release of chemical poisons, with the approval of a completely corrupt government, then lets corporations off the hook, while citizens endure the brunt of extreme harm.

In Europe, the Precautionary Principle is taken into consideration: first do no harm. In the US, greed takes precedence. This principle of care and concern is a vital necessity to our safety in our toxic world.(5)

The moral decrepitude that passes for "leadership" is another indication of business as usual. It is the twenty-first-century's theme and variations on the ancient Greek tragedies and Roman epics. We have yet to learn the lessons of history, so we keep repeating these devastating war-oriented mistakes decade after decade and century after century.

Massacres of innocent civilians continues apace: from even earlier than the 1572 St. Bartholomew's Massacre in Paris, to seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth century Europeans devastating native populations in the Americas, to war crimes in Africa, the huge loss of innocent lives on 911, and the outrageous US military poisoning of Iraqi and Afghani citizens and our own troops with radioactive depleted uranium.(6) Only the deliberately created hazardous technology changes, as it becomes increasingly more lethal.

Citizens' deep concerns continue to be ignored. We live in a country where leadership is the LCD [mathematics for lowest common denominator]. What do we expect?

If the rule of law is deliberately disregarded (as it has been over the past eight years), then what is left? If Constitutional laws are deliberately ignored, then what is left of "these United States"? We now have a usurper to become the next president, while all those sycophants in Washington, D.C.'s bubble support this charade. Just as the bilking of $8.5 trillion taxpayer dollars continues apace. All of this was intentionally orchestrated behind the scenes with absolutely no accountability.

If we have a mostly unreported Â*but very real-- Constitutional Crisis, so governmental-scam business goes on as usual, then what is left of 'these United States"?

I believe that most Americans are decent people, good people. They have nothing to do with the sham and outright fraud created by those in our country's Capitol. However, there is a vast disconnect between what Americans stand for (even while they still remain poorly informed regarding what is really happening) and what kind of so-called Americans are running our country into the ground. Americans are more consumers than citizens; and democracy requires both an informed citizenry and citizen vigilance.

There is always taxpayer money for killing. When some kind of perpetual war is the main goal of those in office illegally, and our country is already bankrupt, while fraudsters and banksters are paid exorbitant sums with our hard-earned tax dollars (and with no financial accountability!), what is left?

What is left economically, when fiat money is printed with abandon? What is left for millions of Americans families who have lost their homes because of the mortgage and banking fraud, or because of some so-called natural disaster (thousands of firestorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods that may have been created by secret military operations)? What is left, when millions of Americans are suffering, due to illnesses that are created in some secret bioweapons lab?(7)

Billions of Americans (North and South), Canadians, Iraqis and Afghanis, Europeans, and Africans are suffering from what Naomi Klein calls The Shock Doctrine." Lies and deceit abound. Illness Â* both chronic and terminal- are at all-time highs. Our own country is in its Roman death throes. All of this continues to be orchestrated behind the scenes by corrupt corporate and governmental leaders motivated by greed and power --at any cost. What is left?

Our system is entirely broken Â*from infrastructure to federal agencies (such as EPA and FDA, with their appalling revolving-door policies that allow corporate insiders to change jobs and then work for governmental agencies). The financial system is entirely broken, too. All is in ruin (except for the one percent rich Americans), while we, the environmentally poisoned sheople, are clueless, as we head into a different kind of Depression with no historical precedence.

I weep for my precious, young grandchildren who are going to inherit a world completely enveloped in out-of-control-use of poisons. Tragically, they know not what is now happening. I weep for the other small kidlets I know: Annie (age 2), Chase (age 3), Gabriel (almost 2), and "Sir" Julius (almost 3), called this lovingly by his Grandma (one of my dear friends, a retired opera singer) who now is sinking into a mercury-induced oblivion in Portland, Oregon Â*a city supposedly known as an environmentally aware community. In reality, the city is a toxic spew of, mostly invisible poisons.( 8 ) Invisible does not mean safe.

I weep for all the poisoned and lost species and the deliberate dismantling by humans of an extremely intricate web of life, billions of years in the making. Humans are unraveling it as we head off the cliff, without any breaks, into the Sixth Extinction.

Homo sapiens are unfit to consider themselves stewards. As Chief Seattle said in 1854: "Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself." As a species, we have failed to understand what this truly means.

As a survivor of the horrific, 1-million-acre, 2003 southern California FIRESTORM that destroyed my entire community of 2,000, I know personally the kind of massive lies and deception perpetrated by public officials. These are endemic in our failed system. With each new catastrophe (and they are happening more frequently, as vast areas are decimated), when a community is declared a "Federal Disaster Area," this quite literally means: "Tough, you are on your own. There will be no help for you."

The destruction of my own neighborhood was deliberate. Small children died. Adults were burned to death. More than 90 percent of the abundant and magnificent wildlife lost their lives. This countywide devastation was enormous, while 14 arsons raged from the Mexican border up to Los Angeles. Hundreds of thousands of people could not escape the city, because many fires jumped over freeways. So, many roads were closed. Yet, no one has been held accountable. The president came to San Diego, although not in a timely manner, and promised help. Not surprisingly, he lied. FEMA was/is useless. As with the false-flag tragedy of 911, the causes of our FIRESTORM were all whitewashed by a so-called "blue ribbon" commission.

As with survivors of hurricanes Rita and Katrina, it takes years and years to rebuild any other kind of life, since we did not have much help. Even with my supposed "guaranteed replacement" insurance policy, I had to shovel ash on my property for seven-and-a-half months, and only had a few days of help during this entire time. Then, I had to battle my insurance company to get them to pay what my policy stated. They paid pennies on each thousand dollars. Very few people in my own neighborhood have been able to rebuild. For those who had insurance, many thousands had to battle their companies, as I did, because we were all under-insured. Companies do this deliberately to stay competitive. It is all another scam.

Since our tragedy, five of my neighbors have died in post-FIRESTORM- related illnesses, due to the month-long, countywide blanket of toxins. Three of my neighbors now have breast cancer. Nothing is really fixed for many of us.

Further, the massive devastation of our state and national forests was so extensive that even today, hundreds of thousands of skeletons of the burned trees remain as a haunting reminder of this horror. Scientists say that it will take between 150 to 200 years for the entire forest habitat to recover. So, neither I nor my great-great-great-grandchildren will ever again see the beauty that had been there before. These past six months in California have been even worse than our own 2003 tragedy, as 2,000 fires raged across the state. Many of these were arson.

There are trillions for this unending war nightmare; but barely anything for citizens who are catastrophe survivors. Our country's priorities are amok.

Greed. Lies. Orwellian Distortions. No principles. No moral conduct. No accountability. Our country is not only bankrupt financially, but it is bereft of any ethical values Â*because at its very core there are criminals in charge.

This certainly is not the belovèd country in which I grew up. I can remember coming back home to NYC in 1979, after traveling on a graduate grant to Europe. My trip included a stop in Prague. The light in my hotel room was bugged. When I arrived back in the United States, I thought, "How lucky I am to be living in a free and open society!" Almost thirty years later, here we are: living in a deliberately contrived police state that commits genocide. What is left?

The adverse chemical and biological toll on us and all other living species is already off the scale! In the lab, chemicals are tested one at a time. However, this is not the reality of our daily absorption of them.(9) It is known that exposure to one chemical plus one chemical does not equal two chemicals. Rather, it can mean extremely dangerous exposure of up to more than 1,600 times the original dose. Multiply that out by all the toxins to which we are exposed. It is a mathematical nightmare that wrecks havoc and has resulted in epidemics of everything from hormonal disruption to cancers and auto-immune diseases. We are all walking time bombs. Who, amongst us, has any normal brain function with this enormous and deadly toxic spew?

How much time is actually left for us to connect these dots, when people are now not thinking or communicating clearly, due to chemically induced brain injury, on top of all the environmental assaults and other illnesses? With all these poisons we breathe with each and every breath, do we still have the cognitive ability to discern and wake up to the grave consequences right before our very own eyes?

"The time to guard against corruption and tyranny is before they shall have gotten hold of us. It is better to keep the wolf out of the fold, than to trust to drawing his teeth and talons after he shall have entered." Thomas Jefferson. [Notes on Virginia Q.XIII, 1782. ME 2:165]

Educator and environmental writer Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri is the author of The Uterine Crisis.


(1) See: www.ourfuture.org

(2) CHEMTrust report at: www.chemtrust.org/Press_and_Media.php

(3) Rosalind Peterson's speech at the Annual Climate Change Conference. United Nations Headquarters, New York City, Sept. 5, 2007:
http://newyorkskywatch.com/rosalind-pet ... transcript

(4) Dr. Veerabhadran Ramanathan of Scripps Institution of Oceanography and a consortium of international scientists have been tracking the toxins in Asian Brown Clouds. See: "Brown Clouds Spell Disaster." Nov. 15, 2008; and V. Ramanathan et al. Atmospheric brown clouds: Hemispherical and regional variations in long-range transport" J. of Geophysical Research. Oct. 23, 2007:
www.thewest.com.au/default.aspx?MenuID= ... tID=108200

(5) Precautionary Principle. The Wingspread Statement:
www.mindfully.org/Precaution/Precaution ... achels.htm

(6) See; Helen Caldicott interview:
http://heyokamagazine.com/HEYOKA.4.ENVI ... dicott.htm

(7) International lawyer, Professor Francis A. Boyle is the author of Biowarfare and Terrorism. See also: Amy Worthington. "Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in The Age of Nuclear War." http://globalresearch.ca/articles/WOR406A.html

( 8 ) Andy Dworkin. "An Oregon Paradox." How We Live section. "The Oregonian." Oct. 29, 2008; online also at:
http://blog.oregonlive.com/healthimpact ... print.html

(9) Rather belatedly (only since 1999), the CDC is tracking a very small sampling (only 2,400 Americans) poisoned by environmental toxins. The list of tracked toxins is miniscule, compared to our actual daily exposure. See: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National [Third] Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals. Atlanta, GA., CDC: 2005. A fourth Report from the CDC has yet to be published. More recently, in Maine, 13 people were tested for an assortment of toxins. See: Catherine Schmitt, Mike Belliveau, Rick Donahue, M.D., and Amanda Sears. Body of Evidence. A Study of Pollution in Maine People. Alliance for a Clean and Healthy Maine, June, 2007.
