Mastermind of the 9/11 NYC attacks, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed back in New York City

Obama Stabs America in her back—again

By Sher Zieve
Friday, November 13, 2009

Showing once again that there is no depth to which he will not sink to further destroy the United States of America and her people, Dictator and American Stalin Barack Hussein Obama has decided to inflict the mastermind of the 9/11 NYC attacks, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, back into and upon the same city where eight years ago the slaughter of Americans occurred.

Obama has directed that his fellow Muslim Mohammed be tried in a civilian court with all US Constitutional rights that are afforded to American citizens. Instead of having the military conduct this beast’s trial, Obama is rubbing the noses of the 9/11 victims, their families and all of the American people in the dirt—again. Now almost daily, Obama and his Marxist goons are working overtime to shock the American people into increasingly forced submission.

For example, Obama has already told us that his ObamaCare is NOT optional and we will be fined up to $15,000 if we do not enroll in healthcare that the Obama government “approves.â€