His speech was an ananemic and exhausted attempt to pit American against American, citizen against business, children against corporations, rich against poor

Barack Obama Throws Class Warfare Tantrum to Get the Debt Ceiling Raised

- Jim Byrd
Thursday, July 7, 2011

If giving a speech entails fixating a microphone and teleprompter in front of a mollycoddled, petulant adolescent, who in turn uses the microphone and teleprompter to propel accusations and prevarications because he can’t have his way, then Barack Obama and his teleprompter gave a speech on the debt ceiling June 29, 2011. The speech emanated a child throwing a public tantrum, desperately trying to reconcile the fantasy world of cartoons and failed progressive ideologies with the harsh reality in which the world exists.

Obama’s hemorrhage of a prosaic intellect and déclassé character, captured with his halting and vacillating elocution, was aimed at the very tax breaks he gave corporate jet owners with his stimulus package he neither read nor knew what it contained, and also which has yet to stimulate one sector of the economy.

His speech was an ananemic and exhausted attempt to pit American against American, citizen against business, children against corporations, rich against poor, and the fail-safe progressive platform of us against them—the same tired and failed ineffective class warfare scheme that is used time and time again. He mentioned the tax loopholes six times for corporate jets—loopholes he created—and now it is these very tax breaks he assures us will be the destruction student loans, food safety, and the prediction of the weather. He attempted to paint a picture of corporations holding fists full of dollars via his loopholes, when in reality the tax break is only an accelerated depreciation on the corporate jets. He has a steady record of vilifying and mischaracterizing an industry for political expediency, and this time he is assailing the aviation industry for votes. Barack Obama has repeatedly demonstrated that he is pathologically incapable of grasping the political, intellectual, and ideological requirements to lead the most rudimentary enterprise.

The catalyst of his tantrum is the $5 trillion he has added to our national debt, and his insistence on adding an additional $2 trillion to a debt that is already un-payable, for which his pitch has been that all the spending programs he has added will reduce the debt; rather than reign in the government’s uncontrolled spending, he has identified a villain and needs the country to believe by increasing the corporations’ taxes, more money will pour into the government coffers and he will have slayed the villain for the sake of the defenseless proletariat.

The tax cuts I’m proposing we get rid of are tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires, tax breaks for oil companies and hedge fund managers and corporate jet owners. Before we ask our seniors to pay more for health care, before we cut our children’s education, before we sacrifice our commitment to the research and innovation that will help create more jobs in the economy, I think it’s only fair to ask an oil company or a corporate jet owner that has done so well to give up that tax break that no other business enjoys.

Yes indeed, he is going to eliminate that tax break for all these “millionaires and billionaires.â€