Democrat California Congressmen Jim Costa and Dennis Cardoza voted for ObamaCare

Obama: Water for Votes and Other Atrocities

By Sher Zieve
Saturday, March 20, 2010

Obama has now joined the likes of all other despots who have ever walked and practiced their tyrannies upon planet Earth. Tyrants like Sadaam Hussein, Josef Stalin, Pol Pot, Robert Mugabe, Kim Jong-il and Fidel Castro are now unequivocally united with the US Usurper and Dictator-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama in their complete and total subjugation of their countries peoples.

Obama turned off the spigots in California’s Central Valley in order to destroy crops, fruit trees, farmers’ livelihoods etc. in that once extremely fertile and productive area and to give him a large hammer to use against all of us who eat food and drink water. Obama affected this by design and on purpose first and foremost to observe whether or not he could get away with it—without violent uprisings from We-the-People—and second to begin his totalitarian control and oppression of the American people; control that now extends to controlling the water allocations—for Obama’s own personal support issues—and ultimately (as did the genocidal Josef Stalin) our country’s food supplies.

Note: This time, Obama agreed to turn on the water—now known as “Obama’s Waterâ€