Things are just going from bad to horrific! I can't understand how Obama got past the vetting system, or why he has lasted this long! But the alternative (Hildebeast) is just as bad! Our long national nightmare(Part 2) is just beginning!!! There is NO ONE who is the least bit qualified to run this country!

Gateway Pundit

Wednesday, April 20, 2008

Wright & Obama Helped Organize March With Louis Farrakhan

Earlier this week it was reported that Barack Obama marched with Louis Farrakhan in Washington DC:

Obama took time off from attending campaign coffees to attend October's Million Man March in Washington, D.C. His experiences there only reinforced his reasons for jumping into politics.
But that's not all...
In 1995, Barack Obama helped organize the Million Man March in Washington with anti-Semite and America-hating racist Louis Farrakhan:

In 1995, along with other prominent black leaders such as Al Sharpton and Barack Obama, Farrakhan helped lead the Million Man March on Washington. A second march, called the Millions More Movement, took place in 2005.
And... His "father figure" and mentor Jeremiah Wright, a former Muslim and black nationalist, joined him:

Mr. Wright helped organize the 1995 Million Man March on Washington.
Michael Goldfarb has more on the Million Man March and Obama.

By the way: It looks like the Trinity United Church of Christ pulled its latest edition of the Trumpet Magazine off the internet.

MORE... Victor Davis Hanson has more on Obama's Wright problem today at Pajamas Media:

Obama’s evocation of “contextâ€