ObamaCare: Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy

Posted by Richard J. May on December 7, 2013 at 12:04am

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Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSP) is so disgustingly conceived and occurs so rarely that it seldom crosses the minds of most people. But it has suddenly achieved a bizarre OMNIPRESENCE… most recently in the form of ObamaCare!
For those unfamiliar with MSP, it is a psychological disorder in which one person (usually a mother in a parent/child relationship) fakes the illness of another and does so by INDUCING REAL ILLNESS into the child. In other words, Mom gives the child drugs or poison meant to mimic some “mysterious illness.”
Obama is doing the exact same thing to the American people. But we are not sick; we are simply at the mercy of a very poor President who has been telling us that we are VERY SICK. We are so sick, that Obama wants to help cure us, so he feeds us ObamaCare. And now we are REALLY getting sicker. And although most of the nation’s doctors are saying that it is not good for us, Obama now begins to FORCE FEED us ObamaCare… all the while telling us how good it is for us.
But this cure is making us lose our jobs. We are having our hours cut. Our ENTIRE culture is having the now-structurally ingrained 40-hour week yanked away from us. We are losing our doctors of choice. We are losing our hospitals of choice. We are losing our insurance plans of choice. We are being TAXED above our eyebrows. We are being forced to buy something many of us do not need, do not want, and cannot afford. ObamaCare has wrought all this upon us and AGAINST our will. It is not a cure.
And we are not sick. But we are struggling with the effects of five years of failed Obama policies and efforts or neglect in dealing with the debt, the budget, the deficit, energy, spending, taxes, unemployment, entitlements, size of Government, foreign policy, IRS, NSA, Operation Fast & Furious, and the BENGHAZI ABANDONMENT… to name the most egregious.
Like the poor innocent victim in Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, we are being force fed something that is NOT good for us. And like the offending parent in MSP, Obama is lying to us, and also lying to the doctors, hospitals, insurance industry, small business owners, large corporations, the Catholic Church, and Christians in general.
We may not die from ObamaCare, though real life victims of the insidious crime of MSP often do. But Obama and his Liberal sycophants in Congress have been every bit as HURTFUL and DECEITFUL as any MSP offender. Their medicine, their cure is equally harmful to the victim.
