An "Enchanted" moment? An "Enchanted" moment my rear end.

When a reporter asked Obama during the recent White House press conference held on Obama's 100th day in office----Wednesday, April 29, 2009---if Obama could think of an "enchanted" moment during Obama's first 100 days in office, did anyone here want to vomit like I did?

1. I mean, what kind of experienced reporter would come up with an elementary school type question about an "enchanted" moment in Obama's 100 days in office?

2. My point is this: I would like a brave reporter at one of these White House press conferences to wipe that "enchanted" look off of Obama's face by asking Obama these simple questions:

a. Where and when were you born?

b. If the answer is Hawaii, then what is the name of your birth hospital in Hawaii?

c. When are you going to allow Hawaii to release your long form birth certificate to the public? When Hell freezes over?

3. Yes, asking Obama those three simple questions above in a public forum---like a White House press conference---will surely be a very "enchanted" and glorious moment in Obama's presidency as far as I am concerned.