Obamas Healthcare Reform Spells Disaster for Americans (Part 1)

Politics / US Politics
Dec 23, 2009 - 02:27 AM
By: Mike_Stathis

First, I want to point out that this article should by no means encourage support for the Republican Party. If you are not already aware, both parties deliver essentially the same results when it comes to issues that matter most to the people, such as the case with free trade and healthcare, while fooling you to think they represent opposing

They are able to carry out this deceit with the help of the media monopoly, which uses censorship, lies, misinformation, scare tactics, brainwashing and other methods to deceive the public.

Most Americans have been fooled into thinking one party has the solutions to the nation’s problems, when the facts paint a much different picture. You need to understand that both parties are the same. As history shows, you get the same result regardless who resides over the White House and Congress.

As a distraction to mask this conjoined political system, each party takes a different stance on less important issues, such as gun ownership, abortion and so forth. These issues often strike an emotional response from voters, but they do not affect corporations so much. In contrast, each party always agrees (although they further mask their alliance with big industry by voicing minor opposition) when it comes to economic issues most critical to the people; free trade and healthcare, because these issues are also most critical to corporations. For issues that matter the most, industry lobbyists shuttle billions of dollars in bribes to get the laws passed that favor their industry, most often at the expense of the American people.

And at the end of the day, as each member of congress celebrates their showboating activities on C-SPAN, they all meet for dinner and drinks with industry lobbyists, boasting how they fooled the public.

Should I list some examples to illustrate this?

As you will recall, in the early 1990s President Clinton (D) passed NAFTA. This critical piece of legislature opened the doors to free trade; but not just in North America. NAFTA was the beginning of the globalization trend that has since destroyed dozens of American industries, while exporting millions of jobs overseas.

A decade later, President Bush (R) continued the destruction of American jobs by extending free trade via CAFTA. He also passed the American Jobs Creation Act, which contrary to its name, only created jobs overseas at the expense of American jobs.

Similar to those before him, President Obama (D) has taken over where Bush left off, by sidelining previous promises to restructure free trade. Obama’s puppet master, George Soros made certain to continue globalization by instructing Obama to appoint Larry Summers, “Mr. pro-free trade,â€