Obama's new genetics experiments with veterans raising questions

By Eugene J. Koprowski, Esq.
February 13, 2011

Dr. Josef Mengele was known as "der Weiss angel," or the white angel, at the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland during World War II. His white lab coat caught the fleeting attention of dying "patients" there, as he prepared and executed his grotesque genetic experiments on them. One wonders what historians of the future will call the doctors at the Veterans Administration who are poised to perform their own genetic experiments on a captive population.

The VA recently launched a massive medical data collection effort called the "Million Veteran Program," run by Doctors Timothy O'Leary and Joel Kuppersmith at the Veterans Health Administration, Office of Research and Development. http://www.research.va.gov/mvp/

The good doctors are gathering genetic information from one million former U.S. service vets -- soldiers, sailors, and airmen. They are pressuring the veterans who use the VHA health services – at about 500 hospitals across the U.S.. – to give blood samples. During every routine visit, and also by phone and mail. The blood samples, once obtained, are then placed in cryogenic storage in a huge bio-repository on the East Coast. These blood samples contain the soldiers' own DNA – the code of their genetic makeup.

To what end?

That's the million dollar question about the million veteran program program, isn't it?

Why would the U.S. government want a gigantic database of genetic information about a million American service veterans?

Echoes of Tuskegee

Remember, the feds don't have a quite unassailable record when it comes to medical research. We all know for a fact that American military doctors infected black Americans with syphilis in the infamous "Tuskegee" experiments decades ago. This caused neurological damage, dementia, and other maladies for the unfortunate few who were subject to the sick experiments.

What's more, the CIA famously used doses of LSD during the Cold War to get the "truth" out of communist suspects. While it may or may not have elicited reliable intelligence information, it most certainly created a new generation of mental patients for America's already crowded psychiatric wards.

Lastly, who can forget that many African-Americans allege that the AIDS virus was created in American laboratories as a biological weapon.

What needs to happen here, right now, before this madness of the million veteran program goes any further is a massive Congressional investigation. I'm calling on the new House GOP Majority to hold hearings with its Veterans Affairs Committee on this program to get to the bottom of this suspicious project. VA says the genetic information will be kept confidentially and will be used to seek out cures in the future for diabetes, heart disease, post traumatic stress disorder, and even susceptibility to poisoning by agent orange defoliant. Maybe that's all true.

But if the VA has the genetic samples of millions of veterans in storage in a massive, cryogenically frozen state, couldn't they use the data for other purposes as well?

We know the Obama administration, as one of its first acts upon taking office in 2009, was to completely eliminate the Bush administration's restrictions on experiments with stem cell lines from aborted fetuses. So Obama and his kindred socialists in the federal government are already willing – and noww able – to experiment on the populace, or at least the offspring of the populace.

I wonder what the members of veterans groups like the American Legion – II am one – will think when they hear about this strange, new Mengele-like medical program coming from the agency that is supposed to protect their health after they gave years of service to the military of these United States. What about the other veterans service groups, Blue Star Mothers? Do they want their sons and daughters to be experimented on, or to have their genes experimented on, in some laboratory by white coated Kupersmith and O'Leary?

You know, it was Kupersmith who, decades ago, authored one of the first papers in American medicine on what is today called "comparative effectiveness research." Comparative effectiveness is shorthand for understanding what treatments are most effective on what populations. In other words, comparative effectiveness research lays the foundation for what former GOP Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin called "death panels." Is theVA using a million veterans as lab rats to determine what therapy works, and what therapy does not work, on disorders commonly suffered by veterans, so as to lay the groundwork to create "death panels" for them, and then, the rest of U.S.?

That's the question Secretary Eric Shinseki – Obama's appointeee to and head of the VA – needs to be called before Congress to answer immediately.


© 2011 Eugene J. Koprowski, Esq. - All Rights Reserved

Attorney Eugene J. "Gene" Koprowski is Chairman of the Young Guns Conservative Fund, a non-profit, 527 political action committee which aims to keep the pressure from the Tea Party movement on the new freshmen Republicans elected to the Congress this fall, and to keep them focused on core conservative principles. The PAC raises money online to run issue ads on the Internet and on the radio and TV in the Washington D.C. metro market on immigration reform, repealing Obamacare, and other issues of importance to true grassroots conservatives. He holds a law degree from the Thomas Jefferson School of Law, a master's degree from the University of Chicago, and completed his undergraduate work at Northwestern University. An award-winning journalist, Mr. Koprowski earned an Emmy Award Nomination in 2008 from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS) for his work for FoxNews.com.

See some of his opinion pieces/columns for Fox News.

E-Mail: conservativeyounggunspac@gmail.com