Hi everyone,

Hope you all had a nice Christmas/Hanukkah. It's been a while since I last posted. I've been busy with the holidays and to be quite honest, I just needed to give my mind a break and enjoy Christmas without reading and discussing all the topics that get me upset!

Anyway, I came upon this big undertaking by the "We The People" foundation and I wanted to pass it along in case it hasn't been posted yet. "Situations" seem to be moving at an accelerated pace and I'm very unsettled about it as I'm sure most of you are too. Urgent action needs to be taken by the American people in a peaceful and lawful way, and I think this group may have the right idea. Please read on:

In our article posted here on December 5, 2008, we asked, “What must a free people do, and what is the appropriate next step, if Mr. Obama refuses to respond to our Open Letter and the Supreme Court refuses to hear the Petitions by attorneys Donofrio, Berg and Taitz challenging Obama’s citizenship status?â€