Put down your weapons and we'll all be friends

Exclusive: Jane Chastain shakes head at Obama's latest forays into foreign policy --WND

Posted: April 08, 2010
1:00 am Eastern
© 2010

The walk-on-water president, who made health care better and more affordable, is now making good on his promise to rid the world of nuclear weapons.

If you believe the former, then you should have no trouble believing that his Kodak moment in Prague today, where he signed a new arms limitation agreement with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, is a step in the right direction. If not, you have a right, no, an obligation to be skeptical.

It's been a busy week. On Tuesday, the Obama administration announced that it will limit the circumstances under which we will use our nukes. If a country has signed onto the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and lived up to those obligations, it can attack us with chemical or biological weapons, even launch a crippling cyber attack that brings us to our knees, and we will not go for the big guns.

Let me put this in perspective: You are alone in a dark alley when you are confronted by a knife-welding desperado intent on removing you wallet and maybe your head. All you have on you is your trusty .45. But this poor sap doesn't have a gun. How unfair! The injustice of it all!

In a gesture of friendship, you put down your trusty handgun and hold out your arms. The thug is overcome by your act of generosity, tosses the knife and collapses into your warm embrace. Hug, hug; kiss, kiss!

In your dreams! Welcome to Obamatopia.

The U.S. doesn't use chemical or biological weapons. We ended our production of these weapons in 1969. In 1975, the U.S. ratified both the 1925 Geneva Protocol and the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention – these are international treaties outlawing biological warfare. The United States renounced chemical weapons in 1997, and destruction of stockpiled weapons is still ongoing.

Why, then, would the Obama administration release a statement that ties our hands in the event of such an attack against our country. It is patently naive and really dumb.

To be sure, the nuclear weapons in our arsenal are meant as a deterrent and, hopefully, we will never have to use them. However, until we have a fully deployed, fully functional missile defense system that can – with 100 percent accuracy – knock down an incoming missile armed with nuclear, biological or chemical weapons before it enters our atmosphere, these weapons are our only real deterrent.

This latest announcement should be viewed as it is – an act of desperation by the Obama administration to get Iran and North Korea to submit to international demands. It has as much of a chance of getting these two rogue nations to come to the table as anything else it has tried. How many times can you threaten Kim Jong-il and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and not deliver on the threats? Can he send them to bed without supper or cut off their allowance? Oooh!

Unfortunately, the treaty Obama just signed with Medvedev today in Prague is another act of desperation. Obama has failed at international diplomacy. He is increasingly viewed as weak. He needed a win, and desperate people do desperate things. Bottom line: Obama wanted this treaty a heck of a lot more than the Russians, and they exploited that in the negotiations.

What is it really worth, anyway?

Russia also signed onto the Biological Weapons Convention and the Chemical Weapons Convention but did not live up to the terms of these agreements or the verification requirements. Why should we trust the Russians now? In 2008, the country declared an arsenal of 28,000 tons of chemical weapons, presumably to lure us into giving them more of our money to destroy them.

Currently, Russia possesses the largest stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction in the world, and, in the new START treaty agreement with Obama, it wants to limit our deployment of missile defense.

The Obama administration (if you are satisfied with your doctor, you can keep him) says it isn't so, but the Russians have a different opinion, and that is just the beginning of this treaty's problems.

Fortunately, the new treaty will have to be ratified by two-thirds of the Senate before it is binding. Unfortunately, Richard Lugar, the ranking Republican on the committee, who swoons at the very mention of an international treaty, has already indicated he will sign on. Hopefully, the other defense-minded senators will be a lot tougher, or we soon will lose our ability to defend this nation and our allies.

Put down your weapons and we'll all be friends. Hug, hug; kiss, kiss! It's a siren song and a prescription for disaster.
