EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed
Win Free Movie Tickets!

Dear Friend,

Stand up for Academic Freedom and see EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed in theaters nationwide on FREEDOM FRIDAY - April 18th.

EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed, starring Ben Stein, follows his journey around the globe where he discovers that scientists, educators and philosophers are being persecuted in a modern day witch hunt because they dare to go against the theory of evolution. These pillars of education are being fired, ridiculed and ostracized for merely challenging Darwin's theory; proposing that life on this planet could be a part of some intelligent design and not random chance.

This thought-provoking film not only forces us to question what we have been taught but challenges us to ask, "What else is being kept from us?"

There are several ways to engage your community to see the highly anticipated movie release of Ben Stein's EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed on opening weekend:

1. ADOPT A THEATER: Buy out a whole screening for your group (school, organization, church) - SELECT HERE http://www.getexpelled.com/grouptickets.php

2. TAKE THE EXPELLED CHALLENGE: The school that brings the most people to see EXPELLED wins $10,000! - SELECT HERE http://www.getexpelled.com/schools.php

3. FETCH A FRIEND, GATHER A GROUP: Bring a few friends or a group to see EXPELLED and you can receive some FREE EXPELLED GEAR - SELECT HERE to sign up


"EXPELLED is at the center of the debate between faith and science – and the implications are enormous for our society," says the film's executive producer Logan Craft. "The time is now for both sides to step up and be heard. Only through healthy debate and discussion will the truth come forward."

Please stand up with Ben Stein and our supporters of Academic Freedom by seeing EXPELLED on FREEDOM FRIDAY – April 18th.
Paul Lauer
CEO, Motive Entertainment