Olbermann: If a Conservative Tried to Kill a Liberal the Right Would Blame the Victim

By Noel Sheppard
January 18, 2011 | 01:19

Keith Olbermann started his Special Comment Monday boasting that he was the only political commentator in America that has "expressed the slightest introspection, the slightest self-awareness, the slightest remorse, the slightest ownership of the existence" of violent rhetoric in the nation.

Roughly twelve minutes later, the "Countdown" host concluded his nonsensical blathering by stating, "In an actual open and shut slam dunk case in which a partisan of the Right attempted to kill one of the Left, the Right would blame the victim" (video follows with transcript and loads of commentary):

Video: Olbermann: If a Conservative Tried to Kill a Liberal, the Right Would Blame the Victim http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kGpqDvV ... r_embedded

KEITH OLBERMANN: Finally tonight as promised a special comment on the nine days since Tucson. That awful night I said this: “We need to put the guns down. Just as importantly we need to put the gun metaphors away and permanently - left, right, middle, politicians, and citizens, sane and insane. This age in which this country would accept the quote ‘targeting' of political opponents and putting bull's eyes over their faces, and of the dangerous blurring between political rallies and gun shows ended.â€