By: Devvy
October 19, 2009
© 2009 - NewsWithViews.com

Sen. Olympia Snowe is a liberal, progressive Democrat masquerading as a Republican. Snowe supports killing unborn babies, is pro sodomy, anti-Second Amendment, voted no on prohibiting minors crossing state lines for an abortion, voted yes on adding sexual deviants ("gays") to the definition of hate crimes, supports the massive fraud called global warming and is for cap and trade. Snowe wouldn't know what the U.S. Constitution said if James Madison stood in front of her and read it word for word.

That crone has been in spot light lately as being the possible 'swing' vote to support the illegal health care "reform" bills now being massaged. Another Ponzi scheme that will further bankrupt this country and do NOTHING towards real health care coverage reform that should be undertaken by the states. On October 16, 2009, I watched the CEO of Blue Cross, Scott Serota, on Neil Cavuto (FAUX News Network) state that it was important to get young, healthy Americans "into the pool" to lower costs of health care. The same taxing scheme as social security - a program that is TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN THE HOLE. See: 'Fiscal gap' in the trillions. The numbers have grown.

What does any of this have to do with the Seventeenth Amendment that was not legally ratified?

On October 14, 2009, I watched Snowe explain in an interview on FAUX that HER constituents want this unconstitutional national health care. Shame on them. Those people in Maine care nothing for the U.S. Constitution or a free market. During this sound bite interview, Snowe continued to reinforce that she works for her constituents in Maine and what they want.

Here's a clue for Snowe: I live in Texas and you don't represent me. You're trying to shove your toxic liberal agenda down my throat.

Let's look at what the framers of the U.S. Constitution did when they created the federal government and breathed life into Congress. The U.S. House of Representatives was to be the legislative body for the people. Each district within the states of the Union would elect an individual to Congress (Art. I, Sec. II) who would represent them under Art. 1, Sec. 8 of the U.S. Constitution.

The framers were adamant that the states remain sovereign entities and have equal representation in Congress. Thus, the U.S. Senate would be comprised of two senators from each state. (Art. I, Sec. III) Those senators would be appointed by their state legislature to go to Washington, DC to represent the interests of the state, not the people. If they didn't, the state could recall them, fire them and hire someone new. The Senate confirms federal judges and supreme court justices. The Senate must advise and consent to ratification of treaties that have been negotiated and agreed to by the President -- Art. II, Section II, U.S. Constitution.

Those duties are critical because the outcome affects the well being and prosperity of the individual states of the Union. NAFTA, CAFTA, WTO and the hundreds of other treaties killing our sovereignty have come from an unlawfully seated senate since 1913. That includes our participation and financial rape from being a member of the communist United Nations. Not to mention the infestation of activist judges on the bench killing our rights within the states.

When the Seventeenth Amendment was announced ratified, which is clearly was not, the states lost their suffrage rights in Congress. Let me give you two more examples. Two of the most vile individuals ever to disgrace the halls of Congress: John McCain and Lindsay Graham.

McCain has cherry picked which parts of the U.S. Constitution he likes and ignores the law of the land for his own personal gain. Arizona has been the gateway state for the illegals invasion. Old Juan has done everything to give these criminals (illegal aliens) a free pass and he's going to again, soon. Instead of standing for the State of Arizona and doing everything in his power to protect the people of Arizona, McCain has been an active participant in the destruction of Arizona by the illegals invasion and treaties like NAFTA.

If the Seventeenth Amendment were not "in effect," the Arizona State Legislature could have (and I believe would have) recalled McCain, fired his corrupt backside and replaced him with a senator that would represent the interests of the State - not illegals aliens and special interests groups who vote for him.

The same applies to the equally corrupt, sleazy, Lindsay Graham (R-SC). Graham doesn't represent me, yet he votes for treaties, judges and other legislation that directly affects my life and my family's. I have no way to vote him out of office as I do my representative in the House.

Graham votes against the best interests of the State of South Carolina and they are powerless to get him out of office. Mob rule. Just like the other states of the Union who can't get rid of these counterfeit U.S. Senators who vote against the best interest of their state. If you doubt my argument, I hope you can take the time to read the links below. Make no mistake: Lindsay Graham is a one world government lapdog who has sold out this republic for power and money.

As if corrupt political animals like Graham, Snowe, Collins and McCain aren't bad enough, we then have fools like Sen. Russ Feingold proposing a constitutional amendment to have governors appoint U.S. Senators. See his ignorant vomit here. Feingold spews: "The vacancies in Illinois and New York have made for riveting political theater, but lost in the seemingly endless string of press conferences and surprise revelations is the basic fact that the citizens of these states have had no say in who should represent them in the Senate." Senators from Vermont or Hawaii were never meant to represent me. The senate was created to represent the interest of the state they were appointed by and that is the beauty of separation of powers.

This must never go any further. The states MUST stop it: S.J. Res. 7 and H.J. Res. 21: A Constitutional Amendment Concerning Senate Vacanciesâ€