It’s Okay, I’m Over It Now

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by One Pissed-off Vietnam Vet

Will faux Attorney General Eric Holder be brought up on charges for covering up Obama's ineligibility?

(Aug. 16, 2011) — The thirty Seals was my last straw. I’m beyond the edge, over the wall, through the woods, and I’m sitting on top of a Main Battle tank and I’ve got the barrel pointed at every member of Congress and at every judge in America. Now, you may rightfully say, impossible and then I say to you, “Oops! Sorry. I meant to say that I’m just one of millions of patriotic Americans who have had it, and if you don’t like it, if you want to whine about it, go somewhere where I can’t see you or hear you, because if I do, you’ll be standing side by side with the likes of our Democrat and Republican traitors who have refused to kick the sorry de facto fake lying bum Obama out of the White House. Don’t worry, all that will happen to Obama, or whatever he’s calling himself today, is life in Gitmo.â€