....but Satan's handyman will live forever!

BOSTON, Massachusetts (CNN) -- Sen. Ted Kennedy was released from the hospital Saturday, following a procedure Friday to remove an artery blockage, a spokeswoman for the Massachusetts Democrat said.

Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Massachusetts, seen here in 2005, had a blockage in his left carotid artery removed.

"Senator Kennedy was released from Massachusetts General Hospital today following Friday's successful surgery to remove blockage in his carotid artery. After a few days of rest at home in Hyannis Port, the senator will return to the Senate," said Melissa Wagoner.

Kennedy's office said the blockage was discovered "as part of a routine evaluation of Senator Kennedy's back and spine."

"MRI studies picked up an unrelated, asymptomatic blockage in the senator's left carotid artery," the office said Friday in a written statement. It described the procedure as "preventive surgery."

Doctors for Kennedy, 75, said they performed a carotid endarterectomy, which involves making a cut in the neck and pulling plaque out of the
http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/10/13/ ... index.html