Oops! Problem Found with Sacramento Absentee Ballots
Written for the web by Elizabeth Bishop, Senior Internet News Producer

The Sacramento County registrar is urging absentee voters to check their ballots immediately. Officials have discovered a problem with some of the ballots and want to correct it before election day.

First, the registrar wants to get a handle on how widespread the problem is. About 226,000 absentee ballots were sent out. As of late Tuesday morning, about 50 voters had called to say something was wrong with the ballots they received.

Voters in Sacramento County should receive two ballot types in their envelopes: Type A which lists candidates and Type B which lists state propositions and local measures.

However, some voters have mistakenly received two Type A ballots or two Type B ballots.

"Please if you've gotten an absentee ballot, open them up, double check that you have an A and a B card," said Registrar Jill LaVine. "If you don't, give us a call. We have a replacement ballot out now. So don't wait until right before the election. Do it now. Let us know, and we'll get you a replacement out immediately."

There is a concern that if the problem is not corrected, some voters won't be able to vote in all the races or some voters will cast two ballots.

Voters who have a problem can click on the link above for information on contacting the Sacramento County register.

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Created: 10/17/2006 11:02:35 AM Updated: 10/17/2006 5:14:57 PM
