I hope that Conservatives start realizing that Glen Beck isn't what he pretends to be. DO NOT TRUST THIS MAN. He is being paid mega bucks to keep Americans polarized, just as the folks over at MSNBC do to their Liberal viewers. Much of what Beck says on the surface makes sense and gets people riled up, but that is NOT what he has said and believed in the past.

If we don't begin recognizing this fact, we will NEVER unite as a country against BIG government control. Let the Constitution be your guide - NOT GLEN BECK!

Please read:

Glenn Beck,

It is important to preface this letter by highlighting the fact that I do not attack people lightly and have defended you in the past when Van Jones was calling for you to be fired. I fully support your right to free speech.

It cannot be denied that you – Glenn Beck – are an extremely talented radio and television host and you have a magnetism and a proficiency of public speaking that draws people in and maintains their interest. However, being a novice history buff I am also painfully aware of the fact that Benedict Arnold was, like you, a talented individual – he was also a traitor.

History is what matters and being on the right side of history is what’s important when it comes to the legacy we leave on this planet. You don’t want people to look back on you as a Benedict Arnold, as a traitor to America. You don’t want people to look back on you as a media whore, as playing the role of being loyal opposition to sucker legitimate and growing grass roots opposition to the new world order.

Your agenda is to put out a dual message – to discredit and polarize the conservative movement to the benefit of the establishment left and the elite. Your bizarre and clownish antics of fake crying, which you proved were staged when you replicated them on demand for a GQ photo shoot, are doing nothing but reinforcing the stereotype that the conservative right is insane.

Your entire 9/12 project has nothing to do with uniting America and everything to do with reinforcing neo-conservative rhetoric about how we should relinquish our rights and accept the police state because terrorists want to attack us and Saddam Hussein has WMD’s and yellowcake.
As the video below illustrates, despite the fact that you claim to be “a Libertarian at heart,â€