OPERATION AMERICAN SPRING - Washington, D.C. in the cross-hairs - The Out-of-Control Government Leadership Must Be Stopped



(Please add the above title and some or all data from below to your FB, Twitter, Blog, Email list)

TO: Patriots (black, white, red, yellow, brown, male, female, civilian, military, truckers, bikers, militias, veterans, old, young, every American that loves freedom and liberty)

Mission: Restoration of Constitutional government, rule of law, freedom, liberty "of the people, for the people, by the people" from despotic and tyrannical federal leadership.

Millions of Americans will participate.
American veterans and patriots are energized to end the tyranny, lawlessness, and shredding of the US Constitution.
Government is not the target, it is sound; corrupt and criminal leadership must be replaced.
Those in power could use force against unarmed, peaceful patriots exercising their constitutional rights.
Patriots could be harmed, but not expected.
There is no hope given today’s technology of secrecy for the effort nor do we want it secret.

Concept of Operations:
Phase 1 - Field millions, as many as ten million, patriots who will assemble in a peaceful, non-violent, physically unarmed (Spiritually/Constitutionally armed), display of unswerving loyalty to the US Constitution and against the incumbent government leadership, in Washington, D.C., with the mission to replace with law abiding leadership. Go full-bore, no looking back, steadfast in the mission.

Phase 2 - One million or more of the assembled 10 million must be prepared to stay in D.C. as long as it takes to see Obama, Biden, Reid, McConnell, Boehner, Pelosi, and Attorney General Holder removed from office.
Consistent with the US Constitution, as required, the U.S. Congress will take appropriate action, execute appropriate legislation, deal with vacancies, or U.S. States will appoint replacements for positions vacated consistent with established constitutional requirements.

Phase 3 – Those with the principles of a West, Cruz, Dr. Ben Carson, Lee, DeMint, Paul, Gov Walker, Sessions, Gowdy, Jordan, should comprise a tribunal and assume positions of authority to convene investigations, recommend appropriate charges against politicians and government employees to the new U.S. Attorney General appointed by the new President.

*All actions in Phase 2 & 3 will be consistent with the U.S. Constitution.

Date of Operation: “OPERATION AMERICAN SPRING – Beginning Of Tyranny Housecleaning, May 16, 2014, completion to be determined

We are past the point of no return, thus must move forward with an effort to save our nation, as there is no other choice. We are asking, pleading with you, and any others that have resources, national voices, email lists, blogs, FB, Twitter, to call for a non-violent American Spring May 16 2014 in Washington D.C. We must appeal to ten million and more American patriots to come and stay in Washington, D.C. to stop the White House and Congress from total destruction of the United States. It’s now or never. God help us.

.....the law of nature rules. A fluffy, cuddly lamb gets eaten by a mean old wolf is not an illegal or immoral event...the law of nature. When some greedy, self-serving occupant of the White House or Congress, or elements outside America, is threatening our existence, our freedom, our liberty, our Constitution, our life resources, our America, then we fight back to destroy the threat and there is nothing immoral or illegal about it. When the government becomes lawless, then "we the people" no longer are obligated to follow the government......there is no law when government picks and chooses for political purposes or personal agenda. At this time the government is performing as a lawless entity......

A duck cannot be turned into a fox; an elephant cannot be turned into a flea; the laws of nature will not permit.
Likewise, a nation ordained and principled by the laws of nature, sovereign, free, with liberty for all cannot naturally become a nation guided by royalty, decrees, tyranny, elitist, self-serving criminals. The former has proven desirable, the latter has proven human pain.
“We can become a nation guided by royalty IF "we the people" beguiled by the government in surrender to our lusts for that which we have not earned --for what is not natural --if we have become intoxicated by unbroken success" as Lincoln proclaimed in March 30 ,1863 call for fasting, humiliation, and prayer--we can very easily heap to ourselves leaders, and with itching ears, be turned from the Truth to become enslaved by the LIE.”
The United States of America (elephant) while embracing the "LIE" is teetering on the abyss of becoming a sniveling, blood sucking, undesirable nation (flea).

OPERATION AMERICAN SPRING will be a gigantic step in removing the flea infestation that is sucking the blood out of America.

We see no reasonable, hopeful sign that indicates there are honorable, loyal, mature, critical thinking, experienced people in government that understands the chaos about to rain down on America, nor do they care....our only hope is that "we the people" call, organize, and draw a few million patriots to stay in D.C. for an "American Spring". It would be the catalyst to draw the line and bring to a conclusion a decision on the out of control government, one way or the other. America will rise up or surrender.........for me, I only go to my knees in the presence of God Almighty...........my knees will not touch the surface as a result of some piss ant occupant of the White House or a corrupt legislator, or outside element...I will fall to my death standing if necessary.




There is not much time and the only planning necessary is to select a starting date, which we have done, and then show up in Washington, D.C. on that date, and plan to stay for the duration. The goal is restoring the US Constitution as the law of the land, removing the lawless leadership. Will this be a cake-walk? No, it will be painful, and some people may die because the government will not be non-violent; some of us will end up in a cell, and some may be injured. If that’s what it will take to save our nation, do we have any choice? Freedom loving Americans will say there is no choice, we must begin the second American Revolution. Not with guns, but with millions of Americans demanding a return to constitutional government and the resignation of Obama, Biden, Reid, McConnell, Boehner, Pelosi, and Holder as a start...then the constitutional restoration process can begin. An AMERICAN SPRING can be avoided only if the above mentioned officials resign.

Will our national patriot leaders step forward and declare, “send me”, I’ll lead? There are millions of veterans and patriots ready to follow and have said “I will go”.

I urge all organizations, groups, particularly veterans and military retirees begin planning to visit Washington, D.C beginning May 16, 2014. Keep tuned to Constitutional Emergency/Patriots for America www.patriotsforamerica.ning.com for updates and guidance.

Please bathe this effort in prayer as there is no personal agenda or gain save liberty, freedom, and restoration of constitutional government for "we the people".

Harry Riley, COL, USA, Ret


Dear Patriots across the United States,

The militias across the United States are responding and mobilizing to the call to protect our Republic. Operation American Spring is underway. Militia Commanders and Sargent of Arms have called me from all over the United States. Rules of Engagement (ROE's) are now being requested.

Leadership ROE's for the event Operation American spring scheduled for Friday May 16th 2014 in Washington DC.
All militia Commanders will take charge of their groups and establish communications and ensure good order and discipline. Follow your charters and established rules governing your militias.


(1) No weapons. No ammunition.
The Communist forces that control Washington DC do not recognize the 2nd Amendment and have banned all weapons and ammunition from the district. Do not give them the opportunity to arrest you and prosecute you. Leave your guns and ammo within the safe proximity of a free state. When the government is changed constitutionally so will the laws in Washington DC when we return our country back to a republic that recognizes the constitution. Bring Bibles and constitutions. Of course your 2nd Amendment Rights are God given and no man can disarm you but at this point we must follow the rules laid out by the Communists until we vote them out of office. You do have a right to self defense.

(2) Follow all rules of the road.
No running red lights, no speeding, no harassment of the Communist forces with your vehicles. Of course this does not preclude driving within the confines of the law which sometimes backs up, slows up, and or could congest the 40 roads that enter into Washington DC. Traffic does get backed up in most cities. Ensure some lanes are free and open for passage of emergency response vehicles. Perhaps the truckers and bikers would like to join us.

(3) Comply with all constitutional requests of local authorities.
If you don't break the law you won't get arrested. Follow the law. Keep it peaceful. No threats period. If a police officer engages you ask him or her If you are being detained and for what reason. Other than that say nothing else. You have 5th Amendment Rights. Do not intimidate but you do have a right to self defense if you are assaulted.

(4) Travel in groups of 4 or greater.
Stay in groups and do not leave your buddies Team up. Stay in your groups. Establish a chain of command and stick together.

That's it.

This is a simple operational ROE. Keep it simple. Come unarmed. Bring plenty of water and establish a logistics chain for resupply of food and water. Militia uniforms welcome. Stand in formation and act as additional security for the civilians that will be on station. Medics and first aid kits a must.

I recommend militia groups get together and have local marches. Initiate county to county core groups and perhaps rally on their state capitals or local governments to create awareness before the event. This would act as a precursor to Operation American Spring. Work closely with your local sheriffs and local law enforcement. Just a suggestion.

Practice your ability to coordinate and resupply and learn the weak points from this mobilization. Treat this event as a peaceful, Constitutional occupation of Washington DC to ensure the Communist forces understand we are prepared to stay on station until Mr. Barry Soetoro has been impeached and or removed from office by the Congress and or Joint Chief's of Staff for treason against the United States.

As you can understand I field a lot of phone calls. I don't mind talking to each of you but when we are talking a million people this will not be possible. I do have a day job. Please follow me thus - friend me on Facebook (Geoff Ross Navarre) and also on the Save America Foundation website to track the event.

Lets have a good turn out. 1.8 million people are now mobilizing. It only takes 400,000 to occupy Washington DC. and shut down the forces inflicting tyranny upon us in the Republican and Democrat Party. Stay within the law of the 1st Amendment.

Enough is enough. Don't fear anything. You have God and the constitution on your side. Feel free to Google my cell phone number and name if you wish to verify the voracity of my intent. The information you gather from this Google search will then solidify in your mind that this is real and I don't take prisoners. Work within the law and lets roll.

Senior Chief Geoff Ross

Surface Warfare / Air Warfare

United States Navy Retired

Navarre Fl


Santa Rosa County Militia