Shocking Hidden Video: America’s Voting System is a Complete Farce

Mac Slavo
Monday, April 9, 2012

James O’Keefe, who was single handedly responsible for freezing millions of dollars of wasted government funds to the ACORN association of community organizations due to fraudulent and criminal practices, now demonstrates why it’s patently impossible for the United States to have a legitimate election.

This time O’keefe’s shocking hidden video records poll workers on Primary Day in Washington, DC offering US Attorney General Eric H. Holder’s voting ballot to a complete stranger, while other voting locations in the district offer to sign for ballots. Eric Holder has said multiple times there exists no evidence of Voter Fraud…until now.

While the police state control grid tightens all around us, tracking every email, phone call, retail purchase, and our day-to-day movements, the one thing no one in government wants to track is who is actually casting the votes for elected representatives, even though these very people hold the future of 310 million Americans in their hands.

Video: US Attorney General Eric Holder's Ballot to Vote Offered to Total Stranger - YouTube

As it stands now, and as evidenced by O’keefe’s latest video, the voting system in the United States is a complete farce. Without identification requirements, candidates looking to solidify their seats need only determine who has yet to cast a vote (even if that person is dead), and then provide a body with a heartbeat to assume that person’s identity.

Furthermore, and perhaps even more alarming, is that in a previous video Project Veritas shows that election law actually allows voters to be created out of thin air as in the case of Timothy Tebow and Thomas Brady who were registered to vote in the state of Wisconsin. Once registered, ANYONE could then cast a vote as that registered voter.

Video: Registering Tim Tebow and Tom Brady to Vote in Minnesota - YouTube

Several states have attempted to implement voter ID laws, but have been viciously attacked by Eric Holder’s Justice Department at every turn.

This begs the question: What possible purpose, other than for the ease of executing election and voter fraud, would Attorney General Holder, federal legislators and election regulators have for not immediately addressing the issue of identification requirements in modern-day American elections?

» Shocking Hidden Video: America

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