The most dangerous human being to ever walk into the Oval Office is now ignoring the wishes of MILLIONS of Americans.

Obama’s Titanic arrogance and the folly of ignoring the masses on 9/12

By George Potts Thompson
Monday, September 14, 2009

I was at the 9/12 Rally on the Capital Lawn. Like a lot of people I took the time, effort and expense to go to the seat of power and be counted with my fellow American Patriots. I have never seen so many people in one place in my life. The crowd was shoulder to shoulder all the way from the Capital Steps to the Washington Monument a MILE away, and also covered the side streets feeding into the area. The US Park Service allegedly said it was the largest gathering at the Capitol…. ever. All protestations of Keith Olberman, David Shuster and Chris Matthews to the contrary.

I heard and saw the Flight of Helos with Marine One carrying the “Dear Leaderâ€