Our County Sheriff – Last Line Of Defense Vs Tryannical Federal Government

Posted on 17 December, 2013 by clyde
via The Free Patriot
by: Rick Wells

The globalists love to advertise their successes and their plans in cryptic ways to give little clues to us of what they’ve done, and what they are planning. They also need recognition of their evil in order to somehow be validated by the very one they oppress and victimize.

In the words of one of our former presidents, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” -Abraham Lincoln

We’ve all seen the false affinity with Abraham Lincoln that B. Hussein Obama demonstrated throughout his part of the takeover. The globalists revel in irony and creating a supposed persona of Abraham Lincoln II fits their methods.

Sheriff Richard Mack references the Lincoln quote, asking the question, “What are we really supposed to be doing today?”

Mack is speaking to a gathering of law enforcement but the message applies in a large degree to all Americans. We are all involved in a battle against forces who are working right now, today, to destroy us from within.
Sheriff Mack ask some important questions of those in attendance such as:

When you took your oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, did you think that was only going to be because cartels and drug runners are going to be violating our Constitution and destroying our freedom?

If you look at history, where has the real threat come from?

Who has murdered more people throughout world history?

Where is the real threat today?

It is readily apparent to those of us who are aware of the takeover of what was once our government where the real danger is coming from. The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association is a group that Sheriff Richard Mack heads up, and they are aware of the source of the threat as well. The following is an excerpt from their website:

The county sheriff is the last line of defense when it comes to upholding and defending the Constitution. The sheriff’s duties and obligations go far beyond writing tickets, arresting criminals and operating jails.

We also have an obligation to protect the Constitutional rights of the citizens in our counties. This includes the right to free speech, the right to assemble and the right to bear arms.

Remember the oath. We took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, from enemies foreign AND domestic.

In the history of our world, it is government tyranny that has violated the freedoms granted to us by our Creator more than any other. And it is the duty of the sheriff to protect their counties from those that would take away our freedoms, both foreign AND domestic – whether it is a terrorist from Yemen or a bureaucrat from Washington, DC.

States are not subdivisions of the federal government. The tenth amendment defines and embeds that reality in our governmental structure. We have permitted the power of the state and local governments to be usurped by a central controlling oligarchy which is acting beyond their legal authority.

The county sheriff is the ultimate safety net for our freedoms. They are the supreme law enforcement entity within their jurisdictions. The federal agencies do not hold a superior position to the sheriff and are in fact subject to the sheriff. This makes the county sheriff our last line of defense against tyranny.

The local sheriff is the means through which the true power of the people can be exercised. We would be wise to support these efforts and to work with like minded sheriffs who value liberty and respect the Constitution. Not all sheriffs are part of the solution, but you can bet that the CSPOA knows who the good guys are.
