Cruz: Obama Thinks SUVs Are Bigger Threat Than Islamic Terrorists

Senator Ted Cruz told a classroom of reporters Tuesday that President Barack Obama believes gas-powered vehicles are a bigger threat to national security than Islamic terrorism.

“Barack Obama seems to think the SUV parked in your driveway is a bigger threat to national security than radical Islamic terrorists who want to kill us. That’s just nutty,” Cruz told members of the press in a Tennessee classroom. “These are ideologues, they don’t focus on the facts, they won’t address the facts,” the Texas senator said about Obama and those who believe global warming is of a greater import than terrorism.

He added: “what they’re interested [in] instead is more and more government power.

So politicians like Obama “continue to propose jacking up the cost of millions of Americans’ day to day living. Jacking up your car bill, jacking up your electric bill, jacking up the cost of people who are struggling,” Cruz said.

Cruz chaired a Senate subcommittee hearing in early December criticizing mainstream climate science as “alarmist.” The presidential candidate argued at the hearing that the Earth has not appreciably warmed over the past 18 years. And according to remote sensing satellite data, he argued, the Earth’s temperature peaked nearly 20 years ago, in 1998.

Earlier in December, negotiators from 195 nations finalized an agreement at the Paris climate summit approving a climate deal that seeks to limit carbon dioxide emissions. The deal is not binding, so Cruz, in the event that he becomes president, can choose to walk away from it if he wishes.

In a recent interview with NPR, the senator suggested the reason why global warming “alarmists” push the climate change narrative is because they seek big government policies, which often line their pockets with taxpayer subsidies.

“Whatever happens, suddenly these scientists, who are receiving government grants to keep researching this, and these politicians — and, interestingly enough, the solution they are proposing for climate change — massive government control of the economy in every aspect of our lives – is exactly the same solution they proposed for global warming, it’s exactly the same solution they proposed for global cooling,” Cruz told an NPR commentator about politicians and scientists pushing for more action on climate change.