A pack of nonsense
Will GOP 2012ers get serious?

John Podhoretz
New York Post
October 26, 2011

Memo to the Republican field: You’re running for president. Of the United States. Of America. Start acting like it.

Stop proposing nonsense tax plans that won’t work. Stop making ridiculous attention-getting ads that might be minimally acceptable if you were running for county supervisor in Oklahoma. Stop saying you’re going to build a US-Mexico border fence you know perfectly well you’re not going to build.

Give the GOP electorate and the American people some credit. This country is in terrible shape. They know it. You know it. They want solutions. You’re providing comedy.

This is a serious time. It requires serious leaders. Where’s the gravity?

The reason that many on the Right have spent the year hunting somewhere, anywhere, for better candidates to challenge President Obama is becoming ever more plain with each passing day.

Herman Cain now leads in at least one major poll. He released his first TV commercial on Monday. In it, his campaign manager talks about how different the campaign is, then lights up a cigarette and exhales the smoke in a curlicue. Next comes a shot of Cain smiling devilishly.

It’s impossible not to like Cain. But this ad is a humiliating embarrassment. This is his moment, and rather than rising to it, he’s behaving as though even he can’t imagine he’ll one day sit in the Oval Office. He discards positions when they are inconvenient, and speaks dismissively of the notion that a presidential candidate ought to know something about foreign policy.

These are not the actions of a serious man. Good October poll data or not, if he doesn’t take himself seriously, few will once voting commences.

The candidate from whom Cain has picked up much of the slack, Rick Perry, just unveiled a major proposal that is also an embarrassment. It’s a flat-tax plan that isn’t really a flat tax.

You can pick and choose between his plan and the current tax code. If you make less than $500,000 a year, you can still take three major deductions -- mortgage interest, state and local taxes and charitable donations.

Flat? This isn’t flat. The intellectual virtue of the flat tax (which is problematic in other ways) is its coherent simplicity: no deductions. Keep deductions, and the tax is no longer flat.

Perry’s team also threw in policy goodies meant to make conservatives swoon -- the elimination of the estate tax and ending the disastrous policy of attaching the key health-care tax break to employers rather than to individuals. Those may be good ideas, but they’re only workable in a system in which the tax code has been completely flattened -- which this plan doesn’t do.

Any major overhaul of the tax code -- and one will certainly be needed over the next decade -- will require a complex phase-in period. But Perry’s campaign said yesterday that it expects most people will simply choose the 20 percent flat rate, so a President Perry won’t really have to eliminate the current system.

So there will be two parallel tax systems. But this doesn’t simplify matters at all, since there are already two parallel tax systems (one is called the Alternative Minimum Tax). And as now, the fact of the two systems creates perverse competitive incentives for government -- exactly what the flat tax is supposed to eliminate.

Perry’s refusal to pick and choose with his non-flat, optional “flat taxâ€